Who is the first mutant professor x recuirts
What episode Does Larry first appear
Season 1 Episode 2 Ripped Pants
Where was Eminem born
St Joseph Missouri
In season 1 What was the Third game
Tug of Wars
Name Forrest's 3 Friends
LT Dan Jenny Bubba
Name the original Sinister 6
Doc Ock Vulture Sandman Electro Mysterio Kraven The Hunter
What episopde does Mrs Puff first appear
Season 1 episode 4 boating school
Where Was Dr Dre born
Compton California
In season 1 What was the fourth game
How many Presidents did Forrest meet
Name the original Avengers
Iron Man Thor Captain America Hulk Wasp Ant Man
What episode does Peal first appear
Season 1 Episode 8 squeaky boots
Where was Kanye West Born
Alanta Georgia
In season 1 What was the second game
What sport did Forrest become a national champion at
Ping Pong
Who were the first 5 mutants professor x recurited
Cyclops Iceman Angel Beast Marvel girl
Who was the first Mermaid Man villian to appear on spongebob
The Dirty Bubble
Where was Kendrick Lamar born
Compton California
In season 1 What was the Fifth game
Glass Bridge
What did Forrest Gump say to John F Kennedy when he met him at the white house
I have to go pee
Who is not an xmen Namor Dazzler Bishop or havok
Who says the line my leg
Fred the fish
Where was Snoop Dogg born
Long Beach California
In season 1 What was the first game
Red Light Green Light
What companyt did Forrest invest in