Lesson Preparation & Blended Learning
Pedagogy & Instructional Strategies
Standards & Curriculum
Reteach & Learning Platforms
Literature & Literary Devices

This lesson preparation move results in higher think and participation ratio and involves designated time-stamps and cues. 

What is Means of Participation?


This instructional strategy involves students engaging in a partner discussion protocol with in and out cues.

What is Turn & Talk?


This document provides an overview of grade-level curriculum.

What is the year-at-a-glance (YAG)?


This platform provides reading/writing development support for Tier 3 students.

What is Lexia PowerUp?


This device involves creating a mental picture or idea that continues throughout a significant portion of a work.

What is extended metaphor?


This Blended Learning expectation promotes student automony and includes a displayed timer, task rotations, and learning targets. 

What is visual cues?


This type of instruction involves tailoring teaching methods and materials to meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom.

What is differentiated instruction?


This document provides the question stems and TEKS for each Central Office common assessment. 

What is the assessment blueprint?


This resource in NoRedInk provides clusters of tiered grammar and writing assignments, walkthrough tutorials, and progress monitoring suggestions.

What are modules?


This literary device refers to a universal symbol or pattern that recurs in myths, stories, and other forms of literature across different cultures and time periods. 

What is an archetype?


This element of lesson preparation displays specific, grade-level appropriate vocabulary, syntax, and key ideas that we want to see in student responses, as well as specific details and notes highlighted/annotated in the text.

What is Plan the Exemplar?

Turn “I don’t know” into a success by helping students who won’t try or can’t succeed practice getting it right (and being accountable for trying) with this TLAC strategy.

What is No Opt Out?


Incorporating response writing using the unit essential question after each/most text-studies provides opportunities for students to develop this TEKS-based skill. 

What is synthesis?


This (re)teach structure involves Show Call and "Study Why" prompts.

What is Guided Discourse?


The line, "The truth is rarely pure and never simple," comes from which of Oscar Wilde’s plays?

What is The Importance of Being Earnest?


This small group planning technique develops a scaffolded learning pathway to target prerequisite thinking/skill steps and improve student outcomes by beginning with the end in mind; includes a mini-lesson, scaffolded practice, rigorous practice, and a growth assessment/measure. 

What is backwards mapping?


This concept involves using assessments as/for student learning to gather feedback about student understanding in real-time, allowing teachers to adjust instruction to meet student needs.

What is formative assessment?


What standards/skills are being assessed in the following STAAR question from Spring 2024?

How does the authors’ use of language in paragraph 2 of the article ”Cameras in the Courtroom” and paragraph 1 of the article “Challenging the Status Quo” convey DIFFERENT tones?

What is:

+ 6-8.5(E) / E1-2.4(E): Make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society.

+  6-8.9(F) analyze how the author's use of language contributes to the mood, voice, and tone / E1-2.E1.8(F) analyze how the author's diction and syntax contribute to the mood, voice, and tone of a text


This direct instruction practice makes thinking visible and reinforeces bite-sized, transferable steps for students to apply to their practice.

What is think-aloud?

("thinking steps" also acceptable)


This American poet is known for the line, "I celebrate myself, and sing myself."

Who is Walt Whitman?
