Mrs. Jones #1 Rule
If anyone can tell I don't like the people/person I am grouped with, I will receive a zero and still do the work.
This means to have courage and show strength of your own character.
Hint: Mrs. Stubbs said it during orientation on the 1st day of school!
What is Grit?
5 clothing items not allowed at SEC.
Boxers, tank tops, pajamas, holes in pants above the fingertips, tube tops, house shoes, spaghetti straps, crop tops, and/or blankets.
We go here for a fire or fire drill!
What is West Staircase to the high school parking lot.
During a lockout you:
Remain in class and teacher will continue teaching.
If I make a mistake, I just need to be what?
What is honest?
The quality of being very determined is called what?
What is tenacity?
Whose responsibility is it to get any missed work after an absence?
The student
We go here for a tornado or tornado drill.
During a lockdown, you
Stay in class and quietly out of sight. Wait for 2 different people to announce that it is clear.
Mrs. Jones does this WAY too much!
What is sing?
What items are never allowed at SEC?
Firearms Weapons Vapes Drugs Alcohol
Candy, gum, drinks (other than water in a clear bottle), and/or food from home.
Who excuses tardies?
The office or teachers.
The fire alarm will be an alarm or a voice with instructions?
What is a voice with instructions
ALWAYS Raise your hand before:
Asking a question
Exiting the classroom
Leaving your desk
Killing it. Succeeding in something amazing! Being awesome at what you are doing is the definition of what word?
What is slay?
Reasons you may not be able to attend extracurricular activities or trips.
Failing grades
You will be given the amount of days you are absent plus ___.
What is plus 1 day?
The tornado alarm is a short bell or a continuous bell?
What is a continuous bell?
Your boo, bae, honey bear, boo boo bear, or the hot/cute high school student or adult that may or may not be kind to you.
Anyone that is not on the pickup list in the office.
When should you speak during instruction or a lesson?
When Mrs. Jones is finished speaking.
You can always write the question down so you do not forget to raise your hand and ask.
Level one disciplinary methods:
Conference with parent/guardians, teacher, principal, or students.
reports, sentences, detention, ADC, Saturday school, etc.
When are you allowed to have cell phones at SEC?
Only after school when you are waiting on your bus or after you exit the building to go home.
If an evacuation announcement comes when you are not in class: lunch, recess, before school, etc. where do you go?
you will go to your 1st hour teacher's classroom.
Level Two!!! Highest level of punishment at the SEC
Suspensions or recommendation of expulsion!