Invertebrates Continued
Body Systems

These are smaller stars. They are typically red, yellow, brown or white.

What is a dwarf star?


This is a term used to classify animals based on the number of ways to "cut" it into similar parts

What is symmetry?


These are boat shaped animals that have shells made up of eight overlapping plates. It is held together by tough leathery flesh called a girdle.

What are chitons or what is class polyplacophora?


These fins allow the fish to steer, hover and stop

What are the pectoral and pelvic fins?


Everyone is born with this type of immunity, a type of general protection. For example, the skin acts as a barrier to block germs from entering the body. And the immune system recognizes when certain invaders are foreign and could be dangerous.

What is innate immunity?


It is created from the collapse of a giant star. It is very tiny but, it is very dense

What is a neutron star?


This type of symmetry has no specific pattern and is found in animals that are irregularly shaped.

What is asymmetry?


This class of have two shells that mirror each other. The valves as they are called are connected by a flexible tissue that acts as a hinge.

What is class bivalvia or what are bivalves?


1) Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)
2) Class Osteichthyes (bony fish) (trout, bass, tuna and other familiar fish)

What are the sub-classes of jawed fish?


These barriers act as a wall preventing pathogens from entering. Due to the nature of some of these barriers the pathogen can be easily removed from the barrier.

What is are physical barriers?


These planetary bodies have orbits of less than two hundred years. Some could be as short as a few years. They typically originate from the Kuiper belt

What are short period comets?


This animal group includes jellyfishes, corals, and sea anemones. They contain stinging cells and take food into a central body cavity.

What are cnidarias?


There are over 500,000 species of this particular organism. The three most common are:


trichina worm


What are roundworms or What is phylum nematoda?


This is a series of fluid filled sacs from which tiny hairs protrude.

They allow fish to detect vibrations in the water. 

What is the lateral line?


White blood cells, also called _____________, play an important role in the immune system.

What are Leukocytes?


This is a region in Solar System that lies beyond the planets and the orbit of Neptune. It contains millions of icy objects including some larger objects like the dwarf planets Pluto and Eris

What is the Kuiper Belt?


This adapted for swimming life.

It has a mouth that opens downward with trailing tentacles

some go through a poly stage and an adult stage during their life

a Jellyfish is an example of this particular organism.

What are medusa type cnidarians?


Squids, octopuses, cuttlefish and nautiluses are part of this group. 

The name of this group means head footed

Their tentacles are actually feet that are connected to the head which contains the eye

What is the cephalopoda class or what are cephalopods?


These structures allow fish to sense sound and vibration in the water they can be considered the ears of a fish

What are otoliths? 


This immunity is "borrowed" from another source and it lasts for a short time. For example, antibodies in a mother's breast milk give a baby temporary immunity to diseases the mother has been exposed to.

What is passive immunity?


This is a chuck or rock and metal that orbit the sun. They could be very small to very large.

There are three (3) main types: carbon, stony and metallic

What are asteroids?


this body plan or type is called a polyp.

It's mouth opens at the top and its tentacles spread out from around the mouth

They are adapted for a life attached to an underwater surface

The sea anemone is an example of a polyp.

What is vase-shaped cnidarian?


The name of this class means stomach footed. They have a muscular foot that runs along the belly or underside of the animal.

They have a well developed head equipped with tentacles that are used to find food and detect danger

What is the class Gastropoda or What are gastropods?


This is a hollow gas filled organ inside their bodies. It lies just below their backbone and above the other internal organs.

It helps the fish stay balanced and helps them save energy by keeping them afloat while remaining motionless.

What is a swim bladder?


Some types of white blood cells, called ____________, chew up invading organisms. Others, called __________, help the body remember the invaders and destroy them.

What are phagocytes and lymphocytes?
