How many 2nd grade teachers are there?
What is the nonfiction text feature located in the back of a book that tells you definition of words.
What is a noun?
A person, place or thing.
Bookworm, bicycle, teacher. Which one of these is a compound word?
What are our 3 school rules?
Safe, Respectful, Responsible, and kind
What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
Fiction is true, nonfiction is false or fake
What is a verb?
What is a word that shows/describes action?
What should all sentences start with?
Capital letter
Which 2nd grade teacher's name comes first alphabetically?
What is a table of contexts?
Tells where to find information in a book.
What does -less mean?
What should all sentences end with?
What is the name of our Principal and Vice Principal?
Mrs. Ramos is our Principal.
Mrs. Daft is our Vice Principal.
What is the italicized part of the word called? Happily
What two words make the contraction can't?
can and not
What is it called when we tell about a story we read?
What is summarize?
What is our school masot?
Emmett Eagle
Name 3 verbs.
Action words
What does -ful mean?
full of
Name 3 pronouns.
He, She, They, Them, It, etc..