Which word is spelled correctly?
1. becuse
2. becuase
3. because
What is #3
I have 12 fish> I gave 1/3 to Charli, Asher and Eli. How many fish did I give them?
Four (4)
You live in a one story house made entirely of redwood. The stairs would be what color?
What is no color?
What stairs? You live in a one story house.
What is the force that keeps objects from floating off into outer space?
What is gravity?
The Hershey Company, commonly known as Hershey, was founded in this U.S. state?
What is Pennsylvania? (Hershey)
Mr. Stone quickly sent a text to his mother.
What are the nouns in this sentence?
They are Mr. Stone, text, and mother.
A fraction has a numerator and a denominator. On a fraction, what is the bottom number known as?
The denominator
This has six faces, but does not wear makeup, has twenty-one eyes, but cannot see? What is it?
What is a dice (die)
The largest animal on Earth?
What is the Blue Whale?
The mojito is a traditional rum cocktail from which country?
What is Cuba?
Charli and Asher attend online school, they read, write and play games also.
Name the verbs.
What is: attend, read, write and play.
A hexagon has_______ side and _______vertices?
6 sides, 6 vertices
This is saying
What is For Better or worst?
This planet is second from the sun.
What is Venus?
The mojito is a traditional rum cocktail from which country?
What Cuba?
A noun is a the action done by a person, or thing
Which is grater -50 or 2
What is 2?
What month of the year has 28 days?
What is all of them?
The life cycle of an insect is 1. egg, 2. larva, 3. _____? 4. Adult
The Carolina Reaper, Dorset Naga, and Trinidad Scorpion are varieties of what kind of this edible plant?
What is Chili pepper? (Capsicum annuum)
Elijah said, Their are many vacqume to chose from in the sture."
Two words are spelled wrong and 1 homophone is used incorrectly.
There, vacuum and store.
Angle which is equal to 90 degrees is classified as.
What is a Right Angle?
What has many keys but can’t open a single lock?
What is a piano?
This is outermost layer of the Earth.
What is the Crust.
This hamburger chain has square burgers and a girl on their advertising sign.
What is Wendy's?