someone who receives regular schooling at their home from a parent or relative.
What is a homeschooler
You are just as I remember you in my dreams
Anakin Skywalker attack of the clones.
Name the police officer dog in paw patrol
Which amendment deals with self incrimination
How are the 13 colonies representative in the US flag.
The red and white stripes
the tradition of welcoming back alumni or other former members of an organization to celebrate the organization's existence
What is a homecoming
Mr. Gorbachev Tear down that wall
Name all the kids in dinosaur train
Tiny shiny don and buddy
What is the name of the rights a police officer read when you are arrested.
The Maranda warnings
What president is on the $20 bill?
Who is Andrew Jackson?
a hardware store
What is Home depot
It was the best of times it was the worst of times
(No character just the book)
A tale of two cities.
Name all the ninjas in ninjago
Jay Cole Zain lloyd Kai Nia
Who wrote the bill of rights
James Maddison
what war cost the most American lives?
Civil war
The process by which living organisms maintain a stable internal environment despite changes in external conditions
What is Homeostasis
It is a truth universally known that a man who is in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
Jane Austen, pride and prejudice
Name all of the ponies in my little pony.
Flutter shy twilight sparkles rarity applejack, Rainbow Dash and pinky pie
What is the legal name of an accidental murder.
What is manslaughter
These 2 US presidents both dies on July 4th 1826
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.
An animated yellow Dad.
Homer Simpson or any others that have (home) in it
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere
MLK jr
Name the entire family in bluey
Bingo Bluey chili and bandit
Name 4 protections the first amendment gives you.
free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the right to assemble/ petition the government.
The US declared independence from Great Britain in 1776 but their independence was not recognized until this treaty was signed in Paris in 1783
The treaty of Paris