What is the Bootie Butler?
Ingredients of Janny's 9 am breakfast
What is Oats, Milk, Water and Cinnamon
Bird That Poops on Average Every Twelve Minutes.
What is the Canada Goose?
This person received maternity clothes as a present, but was not pregnant.
Potato Wart was 1st Found in PEI
What is 2000 ?
What is the Water Cooler?
Only Color Emily has NOTdied her hair
Native plant found in every Canadian Province.
What is Golden Rod?
Nathan's New Girlfriend
Who is Kiersten?
Home of The World's Largest Potato
What is O'Leary PEI ?
Is it quitting time?
Price of gas in N.B the day Norm left Tiernan at the gas station.
What is 1.65/L
The bird to signify spring has arrived
What is a Robin?
The kid who lives next to Dempsey and will not leave him alone
Who Is Evan?
PEI Potato Mascot
Who Is Spud?
Fenwick Fan Start Up
Child Beauty Contest Winner
Who Is Stephanie
Newly Hatched Salmon
What are Fry?
Coworker who blacked out their teeth and gave themselves fake piercings for a prank
Who Is Janelle?
Scientific Name for Potato Wart
What is Synchytrium endobioticum ?
Write down a full verse of the diarrhea song and perform.
What is When you..... and you feel something squish diarrhea.
What a feeling of relief when you make it to the seat diarrhea.
Too many to list.....
The Year the Canadian Flag was put on the highest point in the World.
What is 1982?
Bonus: Where?
Bonus : By Who?
Coworker who received a massive ball with a biscuit inside as a gift
Who Is Dhan?
Potato Wart was first found in 1908 in this Country.
What is Germany?