He wasn't having an inauguration, quipped Johnny Carson, he was having a premiere.
Who was Ronald Reagan?
Flag that's seen in upper left hand corner of the old Mississippi state flag.
What is the Confederate flag?
The outer part of the earth or of a loaf of bread.
What is the crust?
In 1803, Marbury vs Madison became 1st case in which a law was declared this.
What is unconstitutional?
Walden Pond rustic who advised us to "simplify, simplify".
Who is Thoreau?
During his W.H. tours after WWII, he showed sites of past Pres'l indiscretions to stag company only.
Who was Harry Truman?
A red sun on a white background.
What is Japan?
Though most faults lie beneath the earth's surface, this main California one is all too visible.
What is San Andreas Fault?
Instead of settling the slavery issue, as was hoped, this 1857 case helped bring on the Civil War.
What is the Dred Scott case?
Clarence Day followed "Life With Father" with this look at the distaff side.
What is Life With Mother?
In 1932, asking Treasury Sec. Mellon for a nickel to call a friend, he was given a dime to call them both.
Who was Hoover?
Crosses of Sts. George, Andrew & Patrick are combined to form this flag.
What is the flag of Great Britian?
Of a rotation, nutation, or revolution, the one the earth completes every 365-¼ days.
What is a a revolution?
In 1972, the court ruled that this was cruel & unusual punishment.
What is the death penalty?
Howard Hawks called it a "piece of junk", but got Hemingway to help adapt it for Bogey & Bacall.
What is To Have And Have Not?
This president appointed 1st woman to Cabinet, he told his wife jokingly, to avoid trouble with her.
Who was FDR?
4 of the 6 flags that have flown over Texas.
What is Spain, Mexico, the U.S., The Republic of Texas, the Confederacy, & France?
Where the Earth ranks in diameter among our Sun's 9 major planets.
What is 5th?
In 1971, the court said the government couldn't prevent publication of this Vietnam War study.
What is the Pentagon Papers?
Called "greatest intellectual in land", this prolific Puritan penned 459 books, none of them "fleecy".
Who is Cotton Mather?
It was said this general, tone-deaf, knew only 2 tunes: 1 was "Yankee Doodle" & the 1 other wasn't.
Who was Grant?
Dharma chakra, an ancient symbol meaning "wheel of the law", is in center of this country's flag.
What is India?
Earth is the only planet where water is present in these 3 ways.
What is solid, liquid & gas?
The 1st Chief Justice.
Who is John Jay?
Edgar Allan Poe character considered by many to be 1st modern detective.
Who is C. Auguste Dupin?