Objects falling under gravity & vectors
Newton's Law & forces
Energy, work & power

Which of the following measurements is NOT a Scalar? 







an approximate value of the acceleration of an object in free fall

10 m/s2


A 5000kg truck and a 1000kg car are travelling at constant speeds and then collides. What is true about the Forces and acceleration on each?

a. 5000kg truck exerts a greater force on the 1000kg car, but the acceleration will be same.

b. 5000kg truck exerts a greater force on the 1000kg car, but the 5000kg truck will get a greater acceleration.

c. Since they are moving with a constant velocity, the Forces on each of them are equal. But the 1000kg car will have greater acceleration since it has less mass.

d .Both Forces and acceleration are different.

c. Since they are moving with a constant velocity, the Forces on each of them are equal. But the 1000kg car will have greater acceleration since it has less mass.


What is an object's change in momentum equal to?

a.the force acting on the object

b.the impulse acting on the object

c.the change in velocity of the object

b.the impulse acting on the object


An object of 5kg is moving at a speed of 10m/s. What happens to the KE if the speed is doubled to 20m/s?

a.decrease by 2

b.Decrease by 4





 If an object has a constant velocity, what can be said about its acceleration?

a. The acceleration is zero

b.The acceleration is constant

c. The acceleration is increasing

d.The acceleration is decreasing

a. The acceleration is zero


Free-falling objects do not encounter?
a.air resistance
b.force of gravity
c. downward acceleration

a.air resistance


Kids were playing with balls which are of equal mass. They kicked them with different forces. Which one accelerated more?

Red ball – 10N

Blue ball – 3N

Yellow ball - 5N

a.None of the them

b. Yellow ball since force there is no relation between force and mass

c. Blue ball since force and acceleration are inversely related.

d. Red ball since force and acceleration are directly related.

d. Red ball since force and acceleration are directly related.


A student hits a hockey puck with a hockey stick and the puck speeds up.  Another student claims that the student broke the Law of Conservation of  Momentum because the puck gained momentum.  

Which of these is the BEST explanation of why the Law is not  broken in this closed system?

a. The force on the puck cancels the force on the hockey stick because  the forces are equal and opposite

b. w of Conservation of Momentum only applies for objects of  equal mass.

c. The hockey stick loses as much momentum as the puck gained.

c. The hockey stick loses as much momentum as the puck gained.


What is the work done by the truck to move 20m when friction exerts a 300N force on it?







What is the difference between speed and velocity?

A.Speed is a scalar quantity, while velocity is a vector quantity

B.Speed is measured in meters per second, while velocity is measured in meters

C.Speed represents the total distance covered, while velocity represents the change in position

D.Speed is always positive, while velocity can be negative or positive

A.Speed is a scalar quantity, while velocity is a vector quantity


if a boomerang is thrown 20 m in a straight line and returns exactly to the spot it was thrown what is its displacement? 

a. 20m






   A = 40kg                           B = 2kg                       C = 10kg

Which one has more acceleration?                Hint:    a = net F/m

A - since it has more net force and more mass.  a= 400/40 = 10m/s/s

B - since     a = net Force/mass = 200/2 = 100m/s2

C. Since it has net force 20N and mass 10kg     a = 20/10 = 2m/s/s

A - since it has more net force and more mass.  a= 400/40 = 10m/s/s


An object with a mass of 2000 kg at rest has what momentum

0 kg m/sec


A group of students was asked to plan an investigation to demonstrate the conservation of energy using a pendulum as shown. What should the students measure to prove mechanical energy is conserved?

a. They will need to measure the speed of the pendulum at the top of the path on the opposite side of its release and compare it to the speed at the bottom of the path.

b. They will need to measure the height of the pendulum at the top of the path on the opposite side of its release and compare it to the original height

c.They will need to measure the height of the pendulum at the bottom of the path and compare it to the original height

d. They will need to measure the speed of the pendulum at the bottom of the path and compare it to the original speed

c.They will need to measure the height of the pendulum at the bottom of the path and compare it to the original height


A car starts from rest at a stop light and reaches 20 m/s in 3.5 s. What is the acceleration of the car?



a free falling ball starts from rest. After falling for 8 seconds, What (about) speed will it have 



whar is the mass of an object if a force of 17N causes it to accelerate at 1.5 m/s2

11.3 kg


how can a basketball and bowling ball have the same momentum

have different speeds


A child pulls on a wagon with a force of 75 N. If the wagon moves a total of 42 m in 3.1 min, what is the average power delivered by the child?

17 W


a toy car moves with a velocity of 10 m/s and then decreases velocity to 6 m/s in 2 seconds.What is the acceleration of the toy car ?

-2 m/s2


while walking up a hill you pick a rock up and throw it straight down. after 1 second the rock is traveling 18 m/s how fat will the rock be traveling 3 seconds later?

12 m/s 

(-18m/s)+(10m/s2) x 3


how much force is required to accelerate an 1800 kg truk at 3m/s/s

5400 N


Students were tasked with dropping a 0.2 kg bag of marbles straight  down into a 1.0 kg toy cart moving at 3.0 m/s. The students compare the  velocity of the cart before and after the marbles are dropped. 

toy cart

How did the addition of the bag of marbles affect the velocity of  the cart?  

" style="display: block; overflow-wrap: break-word; overflow: auto hidden; text-align: start;">

How did the addition of the bag of marbles affect the velocity of  the cart?  

a.The Cart's velocity stayed constant because the 0.20 kg bag was small when compared to the 1.0 kg mass of the cart.

b.The cart slowed down because it now contained more mass. The momentum of a closed, isolated system is always constant

c. The cart's velocity stayed constant. Since the bag fell straight down, the force it exerted was perpendicular to the horizontal motion of the cart.

b.The cart slowed down because it now contained more mass. The momentum of a closed, isolated system is always constant


Two cyclists who weigh the same and have identical bicycles ride up the same mountain, both starting at the same time. Amy rides straight up the mountain, and Karen rides up the longer road that has a lot of rocks and obstacles. Amy gets to the top before Karen. Ignoring friction and wind resistance, which one of the following statements is true?

A) The amount of work done by Amy is greater than the amount of work done by Karen, and the average power by Amy is greater than that of Karen.

B) Karen and Amy have the same amount of work, and the average power of each cyclist was also the same.

C) The amount of work done by Amy is equal to the amount of work done by Karen, but the average power  by Amy is greater than that of Karen.

D) The average power  by Karen and Amy was the same, but Amy did more work in getting there

B) Karen and Amy have the same amount of work, and the average power of each cyclist was also the same.
