Skills for Learning
Emotion Management
Problem Solving

You were having trouble paying attention when your teacher explained what do for a social studies project. Now everyone is getting started, and you don’t know what you’re supposed to do! The best thing to do is to:  

a.  Just do the project the way you want  

b.  Assertively ask your teacher how to do it  

c.  Read a book instead  

d.  Wait quietly at your desk and hope someone comes to help you

b.  Assertively ask your teacher how to do it


You are talking to a classmate in the hallway before school. She just had an argument with her best     friend. You are listening to her with attention as she tells you how sad she is feeling. You understand     how she feels. You’ve felt sad after having an argument with a friend too. You are:

a.  Feeling happy that you are not her  

b.  Having empathy for her  

c.  Thinking she will not have many friends  

d.  Wondering why she is so sad

b.  Having empathy for her  


You experience strong emotions only in your body.  

a.  True  

b.  False

b.  False (brain and body!)


Which is not a part of the problem solving steps?   

a.  P: Pick the best solution   

b.  D: Decide who’s to blame   

c.  T: Think of solutions   

d.  E: Explore consequences   

e.  S: Say the problem

 b.  D: Decide who’s to blame


Name one calming down strategy that helps you with strong emotions.

Deep breathing, counting, self-talk, drawing, exercise, journaling, etc.

Some kids at the after-school program are starting to play a board game. It looks like it could be fun.     Which of the following is the best way for you to join in?  

a.  Aggressively say that you know all about how to play the game  

b.  Wait a long time for them to ask you if you want to play  

c.  Ask a question about the game, then politely ask if you can play too  

d.  Wait until they start playing, then ask them to stop what they are doing and let you play

c.  Ask a question about the game, then politely ask if you can play too  


Garrett’s older brother gave him his old bike. Garrett is very excited. He rides the bike to the park to meet you. Unfortunately, on the way to the park something hits his wheel and bends the spokes. He is very disappointed. What is a compassionate thing you could do for Garrett?  

a.  Tell him “It’s just a bike—no big deal”  

b.  Tell him you are sorry about the wheel and you can ask an adult to help fix it  

c.  It’s best not to say anything  

d.  Wish Garrett had gone a different way to the park

b.  Tell him you are sorry about the wheel and you can ask an adult to help fix it  


You are learning how to make folded paper birds in art class. Everyone seems to be able do it but you!       Every time you try, you get it wrong. You feel like ripping the whole thing up and throwing it on the     floor! You are really frustrated. What can you do to calm down? (Select all that apply.)   

a.  Take a break, and try again later   

b.  Bang the table to show how frustrated you feel   

c.  Use self-talk to tell yourself that you can do it, you just need to take your time   

d.  Do deep, centered breathing

a.  Take a break, and try again later  

c.  Use self-talk to tell yourself that you can do it, you just need to take your time   

d.  Do deep, centered breathing


Bella hears some of her friends talking about another friend of hers, Karin. Bella is sure that what they are saying is untrue and hurtful to Karin. Bella knows this is a problem. What are some possible solutions that are safe and respectful? (Select all that apply.)    

a.  Walk away and refuse to listen    

b.  Confront the gossipers and tell them to stop    

c.  Just stand there and listen quietly    

d.  Assertively state the truth

a.  Walk away and refuse to listen 

b.  Confront the gossipers and tell them to stop  

d.  Assertively state the truth


Use an "I" statement to tell your classmate how you felt when you found out they were talking about behind your back.

ex. I felt ______ when you ______. I would like _____.

I felt disrespected when you called me those names. I would like you to call me by my name. 


Jeremy is tapping his pencil while you're taking a test and you are getting annoyed. What skill can you use to help yourself stay focused?

Self-talk: Just focus on my work, etc. 


You just found out your best friend is moving and he is pretty upset about it. He keeps looking down at his desk and hasn't started his math work yet. How can you show him empathy? 

Ask him if he wants to talk about it, try to take his mind off moving by playing something fun at recess, tell him you're here to listen if he wants to talk


You and a partner have just finished building a rocket for a science project. You are carrying your   completed rocket up to the front of the class when you trip over someone’s foot. You drop the rocket and it cracks. You turn around and see a classmate with his foot in the aisle. You are so angry! You feel like breaking his rocket. You want to punch him. Instead, you decide to calm down. What positive self- talk can you use to calm down?   

a.  “I know he was trying to trip me on purpose.”   

b.  “He probably didn’t stick his foot out on purpose. I can always fix my rocket.”  

c.  “I should have stepped on his foot.”   

d.  “I’m going push his foot back into his face!”

b.  “He probably didn’t stick his foot out on purpose. I can always fix my rocket.”  


You have to show your completed homework to your teacher before you go out to recess. Your friend       didn’t finish hers and wants to copy yours. What should you do?    

a.  Let her copy it, so she can join you at recess    

b.  Tell her you didn’t finish your homework either    

c.  Tell her no, you don’t want to let her do that, but you can play with her next recess after she gets her homework done    

d.  Tell on her

c.  Tell her no, you don’t want to let her do that, but you can play with her next recess after she gets her homework done


What does it mean to jump to conclusions and how can it be harmful?

Jumping to conclusions means forming an opinion about someone or something without having all the facts. It can be harmful because it can harm one's view of another person or situation that can lead to misinformation, gossip, or more. 
