Migrating Caribou
Migrating Caribou
Science Concepts
Migrating Caribou
Journal of WMC
Journal of WMC
Journal of WMC
Themes & Messages:

Question: Why do caribou migrate according to the article?

Answer: Caribou migrate to find food and avoid harsh weather conditions that make it difficult to survive.


Question: What is a "herd" and how does it relate to caribou?

Answer: A herd is a large group of animals that travel and live together. Caribou travel in herds made up of thousands of individuals.


Question: Why do caribou migrate according to the article?

Answer: Caribou migrate to find food and avoid harsh weather conditions that make it difficult to survive.


Question: What is a "simile" and provide an example from the text.

Answer: A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as." Example from the text: "The huge meal was like a feast."


Question: Why does the narrator think he was standing "in the middle of a forest" when he first arrives in San Francisco?

Answer: The narrator thought he was standing in the middle of a forest because of the tall poles of the ships that looked like trees.


Question: What is one major theme of the journal entry?

Answer: One major theme is the immigrant experience and the challenges faced when moving to a new country.


Question: Describe the summer range of caribou.

Answer: In the summer, caribou spend their time in the northern part of their range where they reproduce and move from pasture to pasture.


Question: Explain the importance of the "magnetic field" for migrating animals.

Answer: The magnetic field helps animals sense direction and navigate long distances during migration.


Question: Describe the summer range of caribou.

Answer: In the summer, caribou spend their time in the northern part of their range where they reproduce and move from pasture to pasture.


Question: Define "metaphor" and provide an example from the text.

Answer: A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes something as if it were something else without using "like" or "as." Example from the text: "No man is an island."


Question: How does the narrator feel about his new home? Provide evidence from the text.

Answer: The narrator feels a mix of wonder, strangeness, and anxiety about his new home. Evidence from the text: "The Golden Mountain is stranger, scarier, funnier, sadder and more wonderful than I ever imagined."


Question: How does the theme of hope and perseverance manifest in the journal entry?

Answer: The theme of hope and perseverance is shown through Wong Ming-Chung’s determination to help his uncle in the gold mines and his optimism despite the hardships. Example: "But then I reminded myself that Uncle is doing well. He will watch over me."


Question: How far can caribou travel in one day during migration?

Answer: Caribou can travel about 20 to 65 kilometers (12-40 miles) in one day while migrating.


Question: What is "lichen" and why is it important for caribou?

Answer: Lichen is a low-growing plant that is a primary food source for caribou, especially during winter.


Question: How far can caribou travel in one day during migration?

Answer: Caribou can travel about 20 to 65 kilometers (12-40 miles) in one day while migrating.


Question: What does "adjust" mean, and how is it used in the text?

Answer: Adjust means to make a change in something to make it better. In the text, it is used as "When we moved, we had to adjust to life in the city."


Question: Describe the living conditions in San Francisco as mentioned in the journal.

Answer: The living conditions in San Francisco are tough, with people living in tents and wooden buildings that are prone to fires. The narrator mentions "many places, I saw tents of dirty canvas" and "wooden fronts with canvas sides and roofs that flapped up and down."


Question: Discuss the theme of cultural diversity as depicted in the journal entry.

Answer: The theme of cultural diversity is depicted through the narrator’s observations of the various people from different backgrounds in San Francisco, indicating a melting pot of cultures. Example: "San Francisco is like a big pot of stew with everything mixed in."


Question: What challenges do caribou face during winter migration?

Answer: During winter migration, caribou face harsh, windy conditions, deep snow, and the need to find enough food to avoid starvation.


Question: How do caribou adapt to the changing seasons?

Answer: Caribou adapt by migrating to different areas depending on the season to find food and suitable living conditions, such as moving north in summer and south in winter.


Question: What challenges do caribou face during winter migration?

Answer: During winter migration, caribou face harsh, windy conditions, deep snow, and the need to find enough food to avoid starvation.


Question: Explain the term "emphasize" and provide an example from the text.

Answer: Emphasize means to show that something is important. Example from the text: "Most schools emphasize the rules that students must obey, such as being on time for class."


Question: How does the narrator describe the people he sees in San Francisco? What does this tell us about the city?

Answer: The narrator describes seeing people of many different races and backgrounds, indicating that San Francisco is a diverse and bustling city. He mentions "I’ve seen hair of almost every color, and faces and bodies stranger than the British man in Hong Kong."


Question: How does the journal entry convey the theme of adaptation to new environments?

Answer: The journal entry conveys adaptation through the narrator's efforts to adjust to life in a new city and navigate the challenges he faces. Example: "After all these months at sea my legs are used to the motion of the waves."


Question: How do biologists believe caribou navigate during migration?

Answer: Biologists believe that caribou use the position of the sun, stars, and Earth's magnetic field to navigate during migration.


Question: Discuss the role of "predators" in the caribou's migration.

Answer: Predators like wolves and bears influence caribou migration by making some areas safer than others, prompting caribou to migrate to avoid these threats.


Question: How do biologists believe caribou navigate during migration?

Answer: Biologists believe that caribou use the position of the sun, stars, and Earth's magnetic field to navigate during migration.


Question: What does "immigration" mean, and how does it relate to the journal entry?

Answer: Immigration is the act of going to live in another country. The journal entry describes Wong Ming-Chung’s immigration to San Francisco from China.


Question: What concerns does the narrator have about the Golden Mountain and the people there?

Answer: The narrator is concerned about the danger and the number of people in the Golden Mountain. He worries if there will be enough gold for everyone and why so many people are armed. Evidence: "Even if the Golden Mountain is pure gold, can there really be enough for all the miners I see?"


Question: What message does the journal entry send about the importance of community and support?

Answer: The journal entry sends a message about the importance of community and support, as Wong Ming-Chung relies on his uncle and fellow immigrants for guidance and assistance. Example: "Our group is luckier than some of the Chinese who have to stay in tents. We’re inside the headquarters itself."
