Wild Cards

At ----------, you will develop the skills most essential to These start with critical thinking, excellence in writing, and a solid foundation in digital literacy. All are skills best taught the way ---------- teaches them: in small, interactive classes, where you have the chance to make progress through practice, with individual feedback and guidance. Learning at ---------- combines discussion and discovery in the classroom with hands-on projects and problem-solving beyond class—whether you are inventing in the Maker Space, crafting a research paper in the Writing Lab, building cardboard boats for an engineering competition in the swimming pool, or heading to Montana for a summer project combining ecology and leadership-building.

Canterbury School


From A.P. Studio Art to student-directed one act plays to one of our three a cappella groups, ------------ students turn practice into performance. We ensure that everybody has the appropriate facilities, faculty support, and schedule flexibility to become fully engaged in the Arts—to stretch, create, and experience fully the life of the heart and of the mind.

  Check out the individual program pages in music, visual arts, and theater to get a better sense of what -------------- Art is all about. More importantly, listen, watch, and enjoy all the student art found throughout this website!



The athletic program strives to promote healthy competition and to embody the highest ideals of sportsmanship and respect. Students are encouraged to strive to compete at the highest level their ability and performance will allow. Accordingly, ---------provides appropriate levels of competition for each athlete

Dana Hall School


--------- cultivates a vibrant community of principled individuals from diverse backgrounds and unites them through common purpose, active engagement, and mutual respect.

Characteristics central to the character of the -------- community are integrity, respect, and compassion.



Every day, within the walls of the Main Building, students attend classes, socialize over meals in the dining hall, and enjoy community-building events, such as weekend activities and twice-weekly all-school meetings. Just a few steps through the cloisters is Belmont Chapel, in which we contemplate fundamental questions. Also nearby is the Center for the Arts, in which we savor student concerts and theater productions, and the Michel Faculty Athletic Center and numerous playing fields, the setting for a plethora of thrilling sporting contests.

St. Mark's


----------- fosters the development of academic excellence by means of a demanding curriculum. We seek to instill in our students a capacity for rigorous analysis, disciplined reflection, and lucid expression. Our goal is for each student to experience the excitement and joy that result from deep thinking and hard work, and to help him to develop the skills that will serve him well in college and throughout his life. We take pride in being known as an academically rigorous school, and we regard as centrally important the classroom and all that happens there. We expect a great deal from our students, and the faculty encourage boys to strive for excellence. Yet we also recognize and value the lessons that are learned beyond the classroom. We stand ready to help boys in any way that we can, as allies, not as adversaries. ------------- boys are willing to work hard, and we commit ourselves to supporting them in their pursuits.

Roxbury Latin School


Our mission is to nurture the creativity inherent in all. We promote courageous exploration, self-awareness, and cultural fluency through a collaborative approach that allows each student to discover their unique creative voice. We believe that all students must have the opportunity to discover a clear understanding of how the arts impact their life in a personal, social, economic, and cultural context. We believe that the arts engage the whole person – the intellect, heart, and the body. The arts allow for essential connections – to the individual, community, and the world.



Our program, grounded in integrity, promotes character development and collaboration. We believe that athletic competition is a powerful teacher. Physical and mental challenges in a team context offer athletes the opportunity to develop leadership skills, self–confidence and a commitment to others that will inspire them to lead productive and active lives.

Phillips Exeter


The ------------------- community is also an open one and a safe one. By both their peers and --------- faculty and staff, students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones within a support system that will applaud them when they succeed and encourage them to try again when they fail.

In all parts of school life, ----------- encourages the voices of each and every person on campus. As a whole, the community aims to acknowledge each individual’s unique qualities and perspectives, regardless of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, ability, religious affiliation, and political views.

Lawrence Academy


In a light and airy setting, the Henry B. du Pont ’16 Library inspires our students to construct knowledge and create meaning from the resources around them. The conspicuous absence of walls, the cafe-style seating, the quiet study nooks, the collaborative work areas — they all encourage our students to interact with the content, technology, and space in new and novel ways, creating a kind of modern learning hub that blurs the line between physical and digital. In this sense, a busy day here can feel more like a Genius Bar or Starbucks than a library.



------------ strives to give its students a rigorous program of study that provides a firm grounding in skills, values, and vital content while also including curricular and pedagogical innovation that will make its students well prepared to thrive in the complex, fast-changing world in which they live today and will work tomorrow. The curriculum provides our students with a modernized liberal arts education rooted in traditional and innovative coursework. It includes required classes in the humanities, arts, sciences, and mathematics along with a rich elective program across the disciplines. Transcending particular courses or disciplines, the curriculum is designed to foster intellectual curiosity, growth, and a love of learning. It aims to develop distinctive qualities of mind and to pass on essential skills, values, and knowledge to our boys.

Belmont Hill School


As a student in dance, theater, music, and visual arts, you will have many opportunities to develop the creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration skills necessary for both your academic and personal success. Our wide-ranging curriculum is taught by instructors who are accomplished artists, musicians, and performers in their own right, as well as committed professional educators.

Loomis Chaffee School


We compete interscholastically in the Founders League, one of the most competitive and best-known independent school leagues in the country, and one the college coaches watch closely.

Kent School


Living at ------- is one of the best parts of learning at ----------. Surrounded by your friends and supported by your teachers, you discover how to define your own space… and share it. You learn how to always be there for a buddy, as well as how to navigate the world (and the ins and outs of ---------) for yourself. In fact, faculty members and their families live in every dorm, so you’ll always have “dorm parents” looking out for you (and yes, math tips in your pajamas are entirely possible!)

Kent School


-------------- has long stressed the idea that those who benefit from -----------’s educational opportunities have an ethical obligation to give back to society. The Community Service Program provides students a means to realize the school’s motto, “Be Worthy of Your Heritage,” by serving others and forming meaningful relationships with people outside of the Academy. The goals of Deerfield Academy’s Community Service Program are to develop partnerships between ---------- and local agencies that address critical needs in Franklin County, and to provide unique educational opportunities for students and faculty. Community Service participants learn new skills, gain knowledge, and develop a connection to and sense of responsibility toward community.



This is the goal of every class at ------- — to inspire students to immerse themselves in the lessons. As they devour Beloved for the first time, they're asked to read and interpret at a deep level. As they grapple with the birth of the U.S. Constitution, they're preparing to become engaged citizens. As they dive into statistical data, they must uncover the real story behind the numbers. This is what it means to have a meaningful educational experience. ------ students become determined problem solvers, creative thinkers, language lovers, art appreciators, life-long learners, and, ultimately, meaningful contributors in their communities, and in the world.

Brooks School


The foundational work in music, performance and visual arts happens in the classroom, guided by caring and talented faculty. ------- art also extends beyond the classroom walls to many venues both on and off-campus. -------- arts faculty believe that all students can be artists. They believe art is about personal growth and process, and that creative thinking, self-expression, and encountering the challenges of an art form empower students to be creative and confident in all areas of life. In ---------'s arts program, students experience intense individual attention and coaching along with exhilarating team experiences. They spend hours with dedicated adults who use a wide range of teaching and directing skills, who bring to bear diverse and respected talents, who set the highest standards for students’ performance, and who honor each student’s contribution.



-------- has a long tradition of excellence in athletics for girls and boys, offering superb facilities and coaching at every level. From ice hockey to soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, tennis, and more, we offer varsity and JV teams that face prep-school competition throughout New England, as well as recreational and intramural teams. Our coaches (most of whom are full-time faculty members) are dedicated, knowledgeable, and passionate about helping individuals and teams achieve excellence. Whatever your interest, we look forward to welcoming you into our program.

Cushing Academy


We are a community of learners, where all of us, students and teachers, live together on these grounds – where we learn together about almost everything and where each of us is an important citizen with important contributions to make to this village we call ------------. Learning takes place in all walks of life at -----------: at breakfast with friends, at dinner with your adviser's family, in conversation with your math teacher during evening advising hours, at house meetings, or on the athletic fields. We are all learning all the time, surrounded by a community that cares.

St. Paul's School


The college counseling program at ------- is designed to empower students to calmly, thoughtfully and competently navigate the many stages of the college application and enrollment process — one of the first significant life decisions students will make and own for themselves.

Utilizing state-of-the art resources, students and their families work with the college counseling office to consider their values, passions, interests and needs. From that foundation, they research colleges and universities that meet their individual criteria, and evaluate how their credentials will position them for admission at each institution.

Brooks School


----------- is committed to cultivating curiosity, excellence, and creativity. Our students learn how to take risks, fail, persist, and succeed. The average class size is 12, and the learning environment is interactive and inclusive. In every class, students share their opinions. They speak up. They disagree. They learn from their teachers — and from one another. With more than 200 courses in seven departments and small class sizes, our independent high school academic program offers a breadth and depth of study most students will not experience until college. Guided by thoughtful, engaged instructors, ---------- students push themselves intellectually and form deep bonds with their classmates — whether they’re discussing environmental issues, examining global trends, or analyzing literature.

Hotchkiss School


What’s unique about the arts as a vehicle for intellectual and emotional growth is that they allow us to unite body and mind. They exercise the imagination, strengthen community, and enliven the experience of being human. At ----------------, the arts are a vibrant part of our balanced and integrated curriculum. The quality of instruction and resources, the breadth of offerings, and the opportunities for interdisciplinary exploration, are nearly unmatched among secondary schools. This commitment to the arts is born from a simple but powerful conviction: All students deserve the opportunity to explore and refine their own unique creative voices. 

Concord Academy


Sportsmanship abounds at ----------------, where athletics inspire all students to aim for achievement, support the team, savor the victory, and learn from defeat. Whether playing on the field or cheering from the stands, --------- athletics bring out the school spirit in everyone.

Tabor Academy


At -------, we live where we learn, and learn where we live. Our dorms are meant to be, in every sense, a home away from home. For more than three-quarters of our student body, they are just that: they are places where friendships are formed, faculty becomes family, and comfortable spaces abound. They are where students live together, learn together, and grow together. For many, it is the first time they are living away from home. Our Residential Life team, which includes a director, dorm heads, resident faculty, deans, and dormitory monitors, is here to help.



Established in 1942, ----------------'s Summer Session in ------------, -----------------, is the premier summer academic enrichment program in the country helping students from across the United States and around the world to achieve their educational goals. For five weeks, students with ambitious academic goals prepare for the rigors of the best colleges and the challenge of leading and serving in this complex world. Through an extensive array of both innovative and traditional courses, ------------ Summer brings together more than 600 students from all parts of the world for the experience of a lifetime.

Phillips Academy (Andover)
