In the text...
True or False: The scientists research developed a cure for yellow fever. 
What is false?

The doctor that first proposed the theory that yellow fever originated from mosquitos and at the end of the story, finally got the credit he deserved. 

Who is Dr. Carlos Finlay?


The name of the first camp set up in Havana, Cuba as headquarters for the doctors and their experiments. 

What is Camp Columbia?


This word means to spread wildly.

A. Roared 

B. Raged

C. Stormed 

D. Conquered

What is raged?


This was the theory being tested in the beginning of Chapter 4, “Going Nowhere”.

What is bacillus iceteroides causing yellow fever?


This was the reason stated in the text why Dr. Lazear didn't use guinea pigs in his experiments. 

What is they were immune to yellow fever?


The first doctor to contract yellow fever. 

Who was Dr. James Carroll?


True or False: You got money for being a part of both the experiments. 

What is false? You only got money if you were being bitten. You got more if you were infected! 


Chapter 2 of SoYD is called “Feeding the Fishes”. "Feeding the Fish" actually means...

What is throwing up overboard from seasickness?


These were the three original yellow fever origin theories. 

What are a bacteria called Bacillus iceteroids, mosquito bites and contaminated clothing/sheets worn/touched by yellow fever patients?


Find the error in Dr. Lazear’s steps to conduct his mosquito experiments. 

  • Step 1: Hatch mosquito eggs.
  • Step 2: Have male mosquitos bite yellow fever patients.
  • Step 3: Have the same male mosquitos bite healthy patients.
  • Step 4: Observe the healthy people and see if the disease develops.

What are female mosquitos not male mosquitos?


This doctor had a conversation with Private Dean to determine if Dean was exposed to yellow fever before or after his mosquito bite in the lab (also known as contact tracing).

Who is Dr. Walter Reed?


Three symptoms of yellow fever were

What are bleeding gums/nose, high fever, chills, delirium, body spasms, black vomit (blood), yellow skin/eyes?

This phrase below DOES NOT relate to war.

A. virtual army

B. battle between the two

C. go over the top

D. drop the bombshell

E. liked to spread

What is E. liked to spread?


At the beginning of this chapter, the tasks that are assigned to each doctor on the team are described.

What is Chapter 3, "Plans"? 


Once Cooke, Jernegan, and Folk emerged from the contaminated clothing building 20 nights later, how many groups of men repeated the experiment?

What is two?

In Chapter 12, "Problems", this doctor was in need of human test subjects but was unwilling to experiment on people without their consent. 

Who is Dr. Walter Reed?


This is why the laboratory mosquitoes that Lazear had raised from Finlay’s eggs had died.

What is the cold? 

Consent is...

(One word answer.) 

What is permission? 


This is one of the reasons stated in Chapter 12 why Dr. Reed wanted his volunteers to sign a consent form.  

  • What is he wanted to be honest about volunteers risking themselves to sickness and death? 
  • What is he thought that “deliberately injecting a poison . . . into a human being, unless you obtain that man’s sanction [permission], is . . . criminal”? 
  • What is he wanted to do something new that scientists hadn’t done before? 

These were the experiment results of Building 2. 

  • What are volunteers becoming sick when they were bitten by mosquitos infected with yellow fever?

In order to collect more evidence that infected mosquitos spread yellow fever, these two doctors decide to let the mosquito that bit Dr. Caroll bite another healthy person.

Who are Dr. Aristides Agramonte and Dr. Jesse Lazear?


Congress awarded all the American volunteer scientists this.

What is the Congressional Gold Medal?


The thin, sharp nose-liked part of the mosquito. 

What is a proboscis? 


These are two reasons why yellow fever is impossible to eliminate.

  • What are insecticides not being used since they are a potential threat to the environment?
  • What is the germ inhabiting dense jungles where it infects monkeys and is passed down to mosquito offspring through their eggs?
  • What is inability to access vaccines?