Who was the newest addition to the group chat, "God's #1 Fan Club?"
Which person is also known as Diddy?
Some months have 31 days, how many have 28 days?
All of them
"The only way to love someone is to beat the love into them!"
This is the difference in height between EJ and Bella. (in inches)
14 inches
Who were the members in the group chat, "CELM?"
Caden, EJ, Lyssie and Mary
Who is this?
Why can't you see elephants hiding in trees?
Because they're so good at it
"EJ!! GRRR!! good boy."
Out of all the guys here, this number believed they could safely land a plane in an emergency?
4 (Thatcher, Danny, Luca and Levi)
Name the ICONIC trio that surfaced on October 20th, of 2024.
"BBL LLBean" (Lyssie, Levi, and Bella)
When is Levi's birthday?
June 11
What animal is known for being able to jump higher than a house?
Most of them, houses can't jump
Out of all the women here, this number spent WAY too much time trying to figure out if they believed in love at first sight.
4 (Reyah, Carys, Lena and Kiera)
What was the name of the first group chat?
impact 2024
Who is this?
Why can't a man living in the US be buried in Canada?
He's still living
"I'm waiting for you to spoon me."
Out of all the guys here, these two referenced themselves as terrorists when asked if they could safely land a plane in an emergency. (need 2 answers)
Chan and Caden
Without checking your phones, how many total different group chats were created when discussing Leake House Hangouts?
(1. God's #1 Fan Club, 2. Friendsgiving, 3. The Girls, Gays, & Sassy Danny, 4. Ej's Korean Restaurant, 5. Ali's Flipping Awesome BDay, 6. impact 2024, and 2 others unnamed)
Who wrote this, "I half to think about it."
How many of each animal did God tell Moses take on the Ark?
Moses didn't build the ark.
"I wanna see you in tights."
This person won the last game of "Moo" we played in Julia's room.