It is most important quality which God loves, and from which all heavenly virtues shoot.
Humility or Humbleness
When we guide our life in accordance with the teachings of ------ and ------. Then we have surrendered our intellect.
Scriptures and Guru
The process of purifying our heart is called:
a) Seva
b) Sadhana
c) Kripa
Taking the name of God is an inconvenient way of remembering him.
"No work is secular. All work is devotion and worship."
Swami Vivekananda
This treasure will accompany us when we die.
Spiritual or Spirituality
Live in the world like a -------- lives in a Dharamshala (Motel)
Consider yourself to be more insignificant than a:
a) Tree
b) Grain of Sand
c) Blade of Grass
You cannot take the name of God everywhere.
"Consider God and his name to be the same and yet there is a difference. God is under his name."
When we don't manifest and utilize our potential in a constructive way, it means we are stealing from:
The acronym EGO stands for --------
Highest devotee is one who:
a) Who sees everyone as God
b) Who sees God in everyone
c) Who sees God in the deity
a) Who sees everyone as God
Without divine sentiments, there is no bhakti.
"Don’t give importance to auspicious times. If you strive with energy, you will make anything auspicious."
Chanakya Pandit
This defect within us leads to vanity and hypocrisy. It results only because of forgetfulness of God.
Ego or Pride
-------- is worth a thousand words.
Become more tolerant than a:
a) Air
b) Tree
c) Saint
God is under his name.
“Take the name of God with every breath."
Kripaluji Maharaj
This word comes from the Sanskrit verb root 'bhaj', which means to surrender, to serve, or to love God.
Bhakti or Devotion
Viparyaya means -------- of the intellect.
This defect within us blocks the glory of God from shining through.
a) Mind
b) Ego
c) Intellect
b) Ego
Pride is only because of forgetfulness of God.
“O Shree Krishna you have got so many names and you have imbued all your divine energies in each of those names and you have not kept any rules for chanting these names."
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu