Things or events in a person's environment that causes them to react or respond in some way.
What is a stimulus?
The presentation of a stimulus following behavior that increases the probability of a behavior in the future.
What is positive reinforcement?
This vertical line on a graph shows when a new phase, such as starting or stopping an intervention, begins.
What is a phase change line?
True/False: ABA requires 40 hours a week to be effective.
What is false?
Melody is trying to buy Cheez Itz from the vending machine, but the bag gets stuck. She then proceeds to kick the machine to try and dislodge the snack, but it shatters. UCHL PD was right around the corner when it happened and brought her in for an investigation. Name the ABCs that occurred.
Antecedent = Cheez Itz got stuck
Behavior = kicking the vending machine
Consequence = police investigation :(
The experimental analysis of behavior (EAB) and applied behavior analysis (ABA) are considered _____ in our field.
What are approaches?
The removal of a stimulus following behavior that increases the probability of a behavior in the future.
What is negative reinforcement?
Reading all the labels, examining the axes, and identifying data point representation are all considerations for this step of the visual inspection process.
What is determining if the graph is fit to be analyzed?
This software can be used to create a single-subject design graph.
What is Excel?
Olivia is at a debate tournament when she sees the opponent that she absolutely destroyed in a debate regarding flat earthers the day before. Olivia wants to go encourage her opponent to keep working hard, so she starts walking towards her. Her opponent notices this and quickly runs into the single-stall bathroom and locks the door. Olivia doesn't try to talk to her opponent again. This is an example of ____. Also provide the specific type of behavior exhibited by the opponent.
What is negative reinforcement? What is avoidant behavior?
What is function?
Escape and avoidance are considered two types of ____.
What is negative reinforcement?
High ____ suggests poor control of the factors influencing the behavior.
What is variability?
This animal was used to identify landmines.
What is a pouched rat?
Identify the two missing components on the graph.
X-axis and legend
Clear definitions, the emphasis of environmental causes, and avoiding inner causes of behavior are considered ____.
What are the three features of behavior analysis?
Rigid behavior and limited language skills may be considered ____ in regards to rule-governed behavior.
What are limitations?
This can be represented by a straight line drawn through the data path.
What is trend?
In the article about pouched rats and landmines, the authors used clickers during training to establish it as a ____.
What is a conditioned reinforcer?
Diana's teacher tells the class to never eat salads while she's teaching because it could turn them green (like her grandmother in '57). Even though Diana has never turned green from eating a salad, she still does what her teacher tells her to do during class. This is an example of _____ behavior.
What is rule-governed behavior?
This concept seeks to understand all behavior, including private events.
What is radical behaviorism?
This process is by which behaviors increase, decrease, or are maintained by their consequences.
What is operant conditioning?
This method of inspection compares overall performance between conditions.
What is level?
This author created the general guide for reading research articles in applied behavior analysis (ABA).
Give an example of a discriminative stimulus (SD). One that has not been brought up in modules or meetings (i.e., open sign, teacher writing "questions" on the board).
Clicker prior to handler approaching.
Light switch on the wall.
Friend motioning to come forward.
McDonald's Golden Arch.