Winnipeg General Strike +
Immigration and Intolerance
First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Communities
Residential Schools
Canadian Nationalism

100: What year did the Winnipeg General Strike take place?

Answer: 1919

  • In 1915. during the First World War Canadian immigration decrease to its ______ point.



In 1920 _________ _________ became mandatory for Indigenous children in Canada.

residential schools

  • 100: What was one of the major causes of death for Indigenous children in residential schools?

Answer: Tuberculosis


100: What was the name of the act that gave some women the right to vote during the 1917 federal election?

Answer: The Wartime Elections Act


What was one consequence of the authorities’ response to the Winnipeg General Strike, think events like Bloody Saturday?

Answer: Bitterness and unrest among workers across Canada


Which Canadian minority group was subjected to a head tax from 1895 to 1923?

Answer: Chinese immigrants


 What government act largely considered assimilationist, outlawed First Nations from organizing or hiring lawyers?

The Indian Act of 1876

  • 200: Who wrote the report on the poor conditions in Indian residential schools in 1907?

Answer: Dr. Peter Henderson Bryce


Canadians born in "enemy" countries had their voting rights taken away by the ______ Elections ___?

Wartime, Act


I started uni as a general student, I predominately took courses from 2 disciplines, they were. 

Biology and Visual Arts


Hungarian, Czech, Romanian, Polish, or Ukrainian immigrants were treated poorly because they had once been citizens of these empires. (2)

German, Austro-Hungarian


The League of Indians formed by ______ veterans of the ___ Nations of the Grand River after WWI.

Indigenous, Six

  • 300: What percentage of alumni from the File Hills Colony residential school had died, according to Dr. Bryce’s report?

Answer: 69%


Special constables, vigilante “citizens” organizations, or replacement workers were used by the authorities to break the strikes during the Winnipeg General Strike.

What is the warfare equivalent of this approach? Using others to obfuscate how you can go about achieving your military goals.

Proxy warfare, mercenary use


Recount 2 reasons/fears that contributed to anti-immigration sentiments in post-war Canada.

employment crisis, fears of foreign ideas taking hold in a vulnerable country (Red Scare)


Fred Loft was the _______ activist and WWI veteran that founded the League of _______?

Mohawk, Indians


Why was the British Home Children Program considered discriminatory, and how did it reflect class-based prejudice?

Answer: The British Home Children Program was discriminatory because it exploited impoverished children as cheap labor. These children were treated as second-class citizens, denied education, and often faced poor living conditions, reflecting deep class-based prejudice in Canadian society.


  What factors likely contributed to the surge in immigration to Canada in 1919 after the war ended?

Devastation of Europe

Industry and infrastructure destroyed

Demographic unbalance disrupts society


More than 85,000 acres of land were appropriated from First Nations and _____ communities under the _____________?

What does it mean to appropriate land?

Métis, Soldier Settlement Act

The act of selecting, devoting, or setting apart land for a particular use or purpose
