What are jobs?
A task to make money, meets a special need at home, pays for necessities, finance careers at a minimum.
What is the definition of Aptitudes and Abilities?
Aptitudes - are talents or skills that you have or can develop with practice
Abilities - strength, stamina, good eyesight, good hand-eye coordination
What is a place that you go to for the Navy Career?
The Naval Academy
What are the majors?
25 in total
9 in Engineering
11 in Science, Math, and Computer Science
5 in Humanities, Social Science
What are the 2 Study Methods
OK4R (overview, key ideas, Read, Recall, Reflect, and Review)
PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, State, and Test)
What is a career
Will define your working life and is a story of your achievements
What is interest?
Your dislikes, hopes, and wishes
Also having both interest and Aptitudes leads to a career and success
Annapolis, Maryland
Do they have advance programs? If so what?
They do have Advance programs
Nuclear Power Program
The Advance Electronic Program
The Adventure Technical Program
Where is the best place to study?
good lighting, good seating, writing space, good materials
Do all colleges require a degree
Just certain professions require specific studies
Gives your life a meaning and makes you a better person
such as morals, religion, political, etc.
What does the Naval Academy offer?
Fully subsidize college, including a monthly allowance
When is the best time to study?
Set a regular schedule, pay special attention to big assignment
What is Attitudes?
Temperament- like behaviors
What are the requirements in the Administration Process?
17-23 years old
Not pregnant
No kids
Good Physical
Good Moral Character
(Can commit to 5 years)
What are the Guidelines?
1. Take regular 5 min breaks
2. Don't spend all your time on one subject
3. Start from hard to easy
4. Make a schedule for a week then follow it
Where is the Naval Academy Prep School?
10 months(Aug-May) at Newport, Rhode Island