The Battle of Gettysburg happen between these dates?
July 1st 1863 - July 4th 1863
The Wilderness Campaign is lead by what Union General?
Ulysses S Grant
In the Spring of 1864 Grant sends this trusted friend and Union General to crush the will of the South to continue to fight.
William Tecumseh Sherman
This Confederate General leads his Army of Northern Virginia into the northern state of Pennsylvania to try and win an important victory on Northern soil.
The biggest battle of the Civil War takes place outside of this sleepy Pennsylvania town.
George Pickett
The initial confrontation between Union and Confederate forces at Gettysburg begins with a fight over what common item?
There are two purposes to the Wilderness Campaign, they were..
To capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, and for Grant to engage Lee in a battle.
Sherman is able to avoid defenses set up by this Confederate General, aimed at slowing his march to the sea.
Joseph Johnston
This Union Colonel, is famous for leading the men of the 20th Maine against the 15th Alabama on Little Round Top during the battle of Gettysburg.
Joshua Chamberlain
The Wilderness is the 70 square mile patch of forest outside of this Confederate Capital City?
Richmond Va
This Union General is credited with beating Lee at Gettysburg, a pretty impressive feet.
George B Meade
This Confederate General advises Lee against trying to take the elevated Union positions and recommends that the Confederates leave Gettysburg and engage the Union Army elsewhere.
General James Longstreet
One of the reasons the Union continues to push towards Richmond, despite heavy casualties is because.....
They know that the South can not reinforce its losses.
The Army marching with Sherman adopts this strategy, targeting civilians and southern resources.
Total War
This Confederate General is killed by friendly fire at the battle of Chancellorsville. His loss deeply impacts the leadership of the Confederacy
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
William Tecumseh Sherman takes the important railroad hub at this southern city.
Atlanta Georgia
Lincoln delivers this speech, 1 year after the end of a famous battle.
Gettysburg Address
In the fight for little round top the 20th Maine squares off against the 15th Alabama, lead by this Confederate Officer.
Colonel William Oates
At this Battle over 7000 Union soldiers are killed in Just a few Hours.
The Battle of Cold Harbor
Sherman ends his march by taking this Southern city on December 10th 1864.
Savannah Ga
This Union leader is placed in command of the Army of the Potomac, after his capture of Vicksburg in the Western Theatre of the War.
Ulysses S Grant
Lee is finally surrounded and forced to surrender to U.S. Grant in this small Virginia Town.
Appomattox Courthouse
This important port city in South Carolina is left defenseless when Sherman arrives with his army.
Charleston South Carolina
There are 4 very important hills on the Gettysburg Battlefield, name at least 3 of them.
Cemetery Ridge
Culp's Hill
Little Round Top
Big Round Top
What town does Grant send General George Meade to take during the Wilderness Campaign?
Spotsylvania, Va
Shermans success in his march to the sea, gave Union voters a much needed glimpse of victory. His success helped get this man re-elected in 1864?
Abraham Lincoln.
This Confederate General is given the unenviable task of attacking the Union center at Gettysburg. His division is destroyed, and he never forgives Robert E. Lee for giving the order.
George Pickett.
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson is accidentally shot by his own men and dies here.
Chancelorsville Va
Confederate President Jefferson Davis places this man in charge of defending Atlanta from Sherman's troops.
General John Hod