What does FCRB stand for?
Foster care review board
What cases require an FCRB meeting?
Dependents who are in out of home care AND children who were initially in foster care under a Voluntary Placement Agreement
When should a BID meeting be held?
Within 5 days of removal or disruption or placement changes their address
Who sends the BID meeting invitation?
The DCS Case Manager
What type of food is most consumed in Arizona?
Mexican food, with more than 50,000 google searches each month in the state of Arizona.
Can a case aide attend a FCRB meeting on your behalf?
Who is responsible for setting up the hearing dates and inviting the parties, conducting the hearing and formulating the findings and recommendations to the court?
Who needs to be invited to the BID meeting?
Caregiver/Parents (if still involved) Student and LEA (local education agency) for both schools and any school staff that has been identified to help with determining the BID or transportation.
Where are the BID meetings held?
Preferably in person but virtual is okay.
How many Snow Birds visit Arizona each year?
Approximately 100,000 Canadian Snow Birds visit AZ each winter.
When should the first FCRB meeting be held?
6 months from removal
How often are FCRB meetings held?
At least every 6 months
Can a BID meeting move forward without placement present?
Yes. Although their input is important placement does not determine what is in the best interest of the child’s school location.
Where is the BID form housed after completion?
The BID form is uploaded in documents in Guardian.
Name one of the seven Natural Wonders of the World located in the United States.
What is the Grand Canyon National Park?
How does your attendance actually count?
In person by the assigned case manager (which is now virtual)
Where should you document your FCRB meetings?
Hearing documentation in guardian
What is the purpose of the BID meeting?
To determine if it is in the best interest for the child to stay in his/her school of origin.
How do you set up a BID meeting?
1. Complete the scheduling template and email to all parties. 2.Utilize the Arizona LEA Foster Care Point of contact list.
What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Arizona?
128 degrees in Lake Havasu City in 1994
What should a case manager do upon receipt of the email from FCRB containing the observation/concerns and review board recommendations of the FCRB report?
Review each observation and concern, review each recommendation that directs DCS to take a specific action and respond via email to each recommendation that indicates if the department agrees or if the department intends not to implement the recommendation.
What should the case manager do if they are unable to attend an FCRB meeting?
1. Notify their supervisor 2. Provide a written statement for the supervisor to attend on their behalf.
Where is the BID meeting documented?
Currently under the person record under the education tab and section is the person education stability (until a BID tab is completed.)
Can the cost of transportation be a determining factor to stay in the school of origin?
How many lakes and rivers are in Arizona?
There are 128 lakes and 5 rivers in Arizona.