A revolution that is happening in my country making me decide to leave is called a _____ (two words).
push factor
William Lloyd Garrison was a leader in which movement?
The Abolition Movement wanted to end _____.
Who is Known as the father of the American Industrial Factories
Sam Slater
An economy based on farming is a/an _____ economy. Hint - begins with an "A".
An African American woman became a powerful advocate for abolition and women's rights
Sojourner Truth
In the South, most slaves worked in the _____.
How old Am I?
Manmade waterway that connect the Hudson river and the Great Lakes boosting trades
The Erie Canal
What were the main two countries immigrants were coming from
Germany and Ireland
The Seneca Falls Convention was a meeting of people who were discussing what general topic? Not the specific things they wanted, but in general they wanted . . .
greater women's rights
This abolitionist helped lead slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad.
Harriot Tubman
Why was Eli Whitney's cotton gin a failure?
It wound up increasing the desire for more slaves.
Slavery expanded because of it.
What invention was made that made transportation easier on rivers and lakes?
Abolish means _____.
to stop something or stop what is being done
Elizabeth Cady Stanton argued for women's SUFFRAGE. This means she felt as though women should be able to do what?
As a result of Nat Turner's revolt, what happened to slaves on the plantations in that Virginia region?
about 200 were executed
there were harsher slave codes (laws) put in place to control slaves even more
One of the reasons Memphis became an important TRADING center was it's location. What was so important about its location?
It was located on the Mississippi River.
How were the new machines used in mills in New England powered?
They were powered by water from the rivers/streams.
Clothing is part of what industry? Hint - it begins with a "T".
What was the Name of Sojourner Truths famous speech?
Aint I a Woman
Runaway slave, author, newspaper publisher, advisor to President Lincoln - these describe which famous abolitionist?
Frederick Douglass
This device invented by Eli Whitney change the game and revolutionized the cotton industry
The Cotton Gin
What was unique about the Lowell Mill run by Francis Cabot Lowell?
It mostly employed women to work in the mill.
Which is an example of a pull factor? (Pick one)
Better wages in another country
a hurricane destroying your community
Better wages in another country
What impact did the Second Great Awakening have on the US in the early 1800s?
It inspired reform movements.
It made people want more rights.
How many people did Harriet Tubman save and how many trips did she make
over 700
Of the following, which was the LEAST important crop from the South?
cotton, indigo, tobacco
This Manufacturing innovation, made by Eli Whitney, allowed for the mass production of goods by making components uniform.
Interchangeable Parts