Body Organization
Body Systems
Cell Parts
Cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems are the four levels of organization in the human body.
What is cells, tissues, organs, organ systems?
The muscular system emables movements of the body and internal organs.
What is a system that enables movements of the body and internal organs?
A cell membrane is the outside boundary of the cell.
What is the outside boundary of the cell?
The respiratory system takes in oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide from the body.
Which system takes in oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide from the body?
The cell is the basic unit of structure and function ina living organism.
What is is a cell?
Some injuries that could happen to a muscle or a tendon would be a strain, overstretched or partially torn.
What are some injuries that can happen to a muscle or a tendon?
The endocrine system controls body processes by means of chemicals.
Which system controls body processes by means of chemicals?
The nucleus is the control center that directs the cell's activites.
What is the control center that directs the cell's activities?
Muscles have to work in pairs because muscle cells can only contract (not extend) and relax back to original position.
Why do muscles have to work in pairs?
The function of cells is 1. to carry on the processes that keep organisms alive. Such as chemical reactions that release energy for body's activities. 2. to grow and reproduce 3. to get rid of waste products example carbon dioxide
What are three function of cells?
cardiac muscle....involuntary smooth muscle...involuntary skeletal muscle.....voluntary
What are the three types of muscles and tell if they are voluntary or involuntary?
The excretory system removes wastes from the body.
Which system removes wastes from the body?
The cytoplasm is the jelly-like material within a cell that contains many organelles.
What is the jelly-like material withpn a cell that contains many organelles?
The skeletal system supports and protects the body.
Which system supports and protects the body?
100 trillion is the amount of cell contained in a human body.
What is 100 trillion?
When a person exercises, their muscle cells grow in size, which makes the whole muscle grow thicker and stronger.
What happens to a muscle when you exercise to make a muscle stronger?
The circulatory system transports materials to and from the cells.
Which system transports materials to and from the cells?
A cell is like a member of a band becasue it works alone to do activities, but it groups with other like cells to make tissues. Just like different instruments in a band make different notes, but it all comes together to make a song or music.
How is a cell like a member of a band?
Skeletal and cardiac muscles are striated.
Which muscles are striated?
When a cell divides information that controls the form and function of the cell is passed along to the new cells.
What is passed along to the new cells when a cell divides?
The four types of tissue are muscle tissue, nerve tissue, conntective tissue, and epithelial tissue.
What are the four types of tissue.?
The Nervous system detects information from the environment and controls body functions.
Which system detectsinformation from the environment and controls body functions?
The small cell structures within the cytoplasm are organelles.
What are the small cell structures within the cytoplasm?
Smooth muscles and cardiac muscles do not tire easily.
Which muscles so not tire easily?