Annoying Acronyms
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This acronym stands for the malicious practice where attackers seek to compromise digital data by intercepting communications between two parties without their knowledge.

What is MITM? (Man In The Middle)


This type of cyber threat sounds like it might be aquatic but is actually a type of malware that fraudulently gains control of your computer.

What is a Trojan? (Trojan horse)


This type of malware is designed to replicate itself from one computer to another, spreading infection.

What is a virus?


This type of security attack involves sending unsolicited messages to many people at once, often for phishing purposes.

What is Spam?


This term refers to deceptive attempts, usually through email, to obtain sensitive information by pretending to be a trustworthy entity.

What is phishing?


This acronym refers to a security discipline focused on protecting computer systems and networks from disruption or unauthorized access within a company

What is IAM? (Identity and Access Management)


Named after a creature from Greek mythology, this type of attack occurs when data or commands are inserted into a program or system to exploit vulnerabilities in the parsing of input.

What is SQL Injection?


Often disguised as legitimate software, this type of malware gains access to systems while appearing harmless, only to reveal its true malicious intent later.

What is a Trojan horse?


This common method involves the use of 'masking' to make links appear as though they are from legitimate sources.

What is Spoofing?


Phishing attempts that are directed at specific individuals with access to sensitive information are known as this.

What is spear phishing?


 Often used in discussions about preserving confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, this acronym is fundamental in security policies.

What is CIA? (Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability)


This superhero-sounding tool is favored by many network administrators to remotely control systems as part of their management tasks.

What is PowerShell?


This malware is designed to encrypt the victim's data, demanding payment in exchange for the decryption key.

What is ransomware?


Often used in cryptography, what process transforms readable data into a scrambled, encoded format?

What is Encryption?


This type of phishing involves voice communication.

What is vishing?


This type of software is abbreviated as IDS and is used to detect unauthorized access or policy breaches in a network.

What is IDS? (Intrusion Detection System)


This technique sounds like you're fishing in a river, but in reality, you're attempting to trick someone into giving away sensitive information.

What is Phishing?


This term refers to software specifically designed to detect, stop, and remove viruses and other kinds of malware.

What is antivirus software?


This type of secure browsing encrypts the connection between your browser and the web server.

What is HTTPS?


This is the term for a phishing attack that uses text messages to lure victims into revealing personal information.

What is smishing?


This term refers to an agreement which quantifies the security service expectations between a service provider and client, abbreviated as SLA.

What is SLA? (Security Level Agreement) or (Service Level Agreement)


Often confused with the sweet treat, this cybersecurity attack blocks access to key digital services until a ransom is paid.

What is Ransomware?


This sophisticated type of malware was discovered in 2010 and is believed to have been developed jointly by the United States and Israel to disrupt Iran's nuclear efforts.

What is Stuxnet?


A digital version of a physical key, this piece of hardware provides secure and convenient authentication for devices.

What is a Security Token?


This phishing technique involves the attacker inserting themselves into an existing conversation between two parties to intercept information

What is man-in-the-middle phishing?
