Forms of Security
Theories on Security
Key Security Terms
Key Global Events in IR
If I were...
Liberals argue that even though there is anarchy states are still able to meet common goals through multilateral actions, also known as...
What is cooperation?
National interest, defined as state survival, is one of the key tenets of this approach to security.
What is realism?
Realists believe all security is defined by this international system characteristic of no world government.
What is anarchy?
The indirect tensions between the United States and Soviet Union, which shaped the world for 50 years is commonly referred to as...
What is the Cold War?
If I were focused on statism, survival and self-help, I would be...
What is a realist?
This is the type of current world system we have, in which one power is dominant.
What is unipolarity?
The use of institutions to resolve security threats is most promoted by this theory.
What is liberalism?
This security term, often approached as a Prisoner's Dilemma Game, explain why states engage in arms races to ensure their own security.
What is the security dilemma?
These wars became the most common form of war after the Cold War.
What are civil wars?
If I were focused on masculinity and how it undermines practices and discourses of security I would be a...
What is a feminist?
Probably the best example of a security community, in which economies and identities have become more integrated, is this.
What is the European Union?
Anarchy is what states make of it.
What is constructivism?
This event marked a key turning point in security concerns for the United States and the world, in which non-state actors emerged as important security threats.
What is 9/11?
The initiation of this war was justified by the re-defining of imminent threat as it relates to just war.
What is the Iraq War?
If I were a scholar focusing on coordination and cooperation of security activities, I would be a...
What is a liberalist?
When the United States is worried about their military build-up as compared to China's military build-up, it is called.
What is relative gains?
Security privileges a state-centric approach which masks the everyday realities of conflict, including the disproportional effects security has on marginalized groups.
What is feminism?
In order to ensure one's survival, states seek to increase these, which is a state's best measure for security.
What are military capabilities?
This war was the first multilateral and Security Council approved action after the Cold War.
What is the First Gulf War?
If I were a scholar that focused on the importance of interests and identities of states in producing a certain international system, I would be a...
What is a constructivist?
This form of security is based upon the idea that when states have economic interdependence, are democratic and are members of the same IOs they will not go to war.
What is the Kantian/liberal peace?
States are best understood as unequally participating in a global capitalist world order.
What is Marxism?
Marxists understand the world as organized into three types of states, which are?
What are the core, periphery and semi-periphery?
This event fundamentally re-shaped the world system with the United States emerging as the hegemon.
What is the end of the Cold War?
If I were a scholars who focused on the global economic capitalistic order and the inequalities between states, I would be a...
What is a postcolonialist?