An umbrella term for children who struggle with issues in their abilities to read, write, listen, reason, or do math.
What is "Specific Learning Disabilities".
What does IDEA stand for?
What is "Individuals with Disabilities Education Act".
A person with a deficit n the brain's ability to interpret sensory information
What is "Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).
What is the primary focus of Behaviorist Theory in special education?
Behavior modification through reinforcement and punishment to shape behaviors
What is Dyslexia?
A permanent condition that makes it difficult for people to read.
Umbrella term for a disabilities that limits a child's strength, energy, or alertness.
What is "Other Health Impairment (OHI)".
What is the main purpose of Section 504 of the rehabilitation Act.
To prevent discrimination against individual with disabilities in programs receiving federal funding for areas that are not covered under IDEA
Chronic or acute health problems like leukemia, Tourette's, hemophilia, lead poisoning diabetes, heart condition etc.
What is "Other Health Impairment (OHI)".
Social Learning states that most learning takes place from observing and predicting social behavior, and not through direct experience.
What is "Bandura's Social Learning Theory"
Children who have dyslexia often have difficulties in what areas?
Difficulties in the content areas of writing, mathematics, spelling, and reading comprehension
Category that mostly affects a child's social and communication skills, and sometimes behavior.
What is "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)"
Landmark case that established that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal, affecting how students with disabilities are treated in schools.
What is Brown v. Board of Education.
Children may demonstrate hyperactivity, inattention , and impulsivity.
What is "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)".
Cognitive development describes how as individuals develop, their cognitive processes are able to become more complex and abstract
What is "Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory".
A concept when a gifted student also has a disability.
What is "Twice -Exceptional".
Diagnosed for students with below-average intellectual abilities
What is "Intellectual Disability".
What is FAPE and what does it guarantee for students with disabilities?
Free Appropriate Public Education; it guarantees that students with disabilities receive an education tailed to their individual needs at no cost.
A disability that causes issues with written expression and/or written ability
What is "Dysgraphia".
A hierarchy of needs is classically portrayed as a pyramid sitting on its base divided into horizontal layers of needs.
What is "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs".
Student with dyslexia learn to read best by being taught what?
What is "phonics"
Number of mental disorders
What is "Emotional Disturbance (ED)".
It refers to the requirement that students with disabilities should be educated with their non-disabled peers to the greatest extent appropriate.
Least Restrictive Environment in the context of SPED Laws
Individual cannot live independently, and they depend heavily on care from other people and resources.
What is "Profound ID"
Attachment theory describes the impact that early connections have on lifelong development.
What is "Bowlby's Attachment Theory".
Can present academic and social difficulties which can lead to feelings of frustration, isolation, and inadequacy. Persistent struggles in these areas can contribute to a sense of hopelessness and despair, increasing a student’s emotional vulnerability to suicidal thoughts.