False! Place backpacks and sports equipment on the floor and NOT on the kitchen counter. These items can carry bacteria that can be transferred to the food.
National Food Safety Month is in _____
What is September?
What is the first step in handwashing?
True or false: If food does not touch the floor for more than 5 seconds, it’s safe to eat.
False! You should not eat food that has touched the floor as bacteria can be transferred and contaminate your food.
What is the second step in handwashing?
False: You should wash your hands before AND after handling or eating food to wash germs and prevent the spread of any bacteria.
True or false: If I microwave or freeze my food, it will kill the bacteria
True or false: If I microwave or freeze my food, it will kill the bacteria
No, heat is what kills bacteria so it must be heated to a safe internal temperature. Bacteria can survive freezing temperatures.
What is the third step in handwashing?
True or False: When I pack my lunch with food items that are perishable (can go bad), I don't need to keep it cold.
False: Packed lunches need two cold sources to stay safe. Pack your lunch with a frozen gel pack and frozen juice box or water bottle to keep it cold.
Only kids can get sick from eating raw cookie dough or cake batter
False, while they are more prone to food poisoning from eating this, adults can still get sick from one lick. Prepackaged or homemade dough still contain germs in these raw ingredients and need to be cooked.
What is the fourth step in handwashing?
True or False: I can use a food thermometer to measure the temperature of my food to make sure it is safe to eat.
True! Food thermometers help check the internal temperature of food and it is best to use this instead of looking at the color or smell to test if it is cooked all the way.
I should wash my poultry and meats off before cooking
False, it increases the risk of cross contamination and food borne illness. The USDA recommends against this as the only way to kill germs is through heating to proper internal temperature.
What is the fifth step in handwashing?