Reach out to someone safe
what is Asking for help
Use substances, hurt yourself, let someone hurt you, or act on impulse
What is Unsafe coping
Simple strategies to detach from emotional pain
What is Grounding
Quit all at once, try an experiment, and cut down gradually.
What are Ways to give up substances
Blaming, beating yourself up preventing change
What is harsh self talk
Isolation, lying, feeling stuck, believe treatment or self-help groups are unnecessary
What are red flags
Remind yourself what you are living for.
What is Create Meaning
Safety, mourning, and reconnection
What are the stages of healing from PTSD and substance abuse
Any time, any place, any where, keep eyes open, scan the room, focus on present not past or future.
What are Guidelines for grounding
There are two trails. Trail A is full of trial, error, and bumps along the way. Trail B is perfect with no problems.
What is Climbing Mount Recovery
Provides self Loving and understanding
What does compassionate self talk do
Structured schedule, appropriate responsibility, feel I'm moving forward.
What are green flags
Prevent bad situations in advance.
What is Avoid Avoidable Suffering
List three ways of safe coping
No wrong answer--patient's choice
Mental, physical, and soothing.
What are the three types of Grounding
Who were you with? Where were you? What coping did you attempt?
What is Replaying the scene
"I failed again". I'm such a loser
What is Harsh self talk
If you are too dependent, try being more independent
What is Move Towards Your Oppisite
Free yourself from substance abuse, stay alive build healthy relationships, and attain stability.
What is the safety stage of healing
Say kind statements, picture people you care about, remember a safe place.
What are Soothing grounding techniques
Just as there's no free lunch, there is no free substance use.
What is Notice the cost
Promotes growth
What does compassion do
If it feels awkward or difficult you're doing it right.
What is Expect growth to feel uncomfortable
You may need to cry deeply to get over the losses and pain you experienced.
What is the mourning stage of healing
Practice as often as possible, try to notice which methods you like best, and prepare in advance.
What if Grounding doesn't work
"If I loved myself would I say that to myself right now"? Imagine you're talking to a small child who has made a mistake.
What are Ways to increase compassion
Listening to the whispers before the become screams and what to do about them
What is creating a safety plan