When you need something you...
Ask for help! (Reach out to someone safe)
When you notice things that could indicate something is wrong you are looking at...
What are "Red Flags"
When it feels as though you are in slow motion when you choose a substance or do something wrong you are...
When you eat candy, fruit, or raw veggies rather than doing drugs you are...
What is "Replacing destructive activities"
Something that only you can control...
What is "My behaviors and responses"
By carrying something positive or negative with you, you can...
Inspire yourself!
(positive such as a motivating poem or negative such as a pic of a friend who overdosed)
AA, NA, therapy, medications, and groups are all types of...
What are "Treatments"
To say, "If you are overwhelmed, go slower; if stagnant or stuck, go faster" is an example of...
What is "Pacing yourself"
When you think ahead and not act impulsively you are...
What is "Planning it out"
A setback is...
A setback, nothing more! :)
When your gut is telling you you shouldn't be in a situation you...
Get out or get away!
When you put a shield up against destructive people, bad environments, and substances, you are ...
What is "Protecting Yourself"
When you talk to yourself very gently, as if to a friend or small child you are giving yourself...
What is "Soothing talk"
When you don't take it personally when things go wrong and you just try to seek a solution you are...
What is "Problem Solving"
"Shouldas", "couldas", or "wouldas" are...
What are "Types of beliefs"
Being persistant means you...
Never, never, never, never, never, never, give up!
By seeing the impact or your actions for tomorrow, next week, or next year, you are...
What is "Thinking of the consequences"
When you create a productive schedule that keeps you on track and connected to the world you are...
What is "Structuring your day"
When you distract yourself, walk away, or "change the channel" you are...
What is "Grounding"
When you, or someone else, are noticing positive things you are doing rather than negative things, you should start getting...
What is "Positive Praise"
When you tell someone you are no longer going to do drugs or go stealing with them you are...
Setting a boundary! (Stick with it and you will see positive results soon!)
When you are telling yourself you are safe and to calm down you are using...
What is "Positive self-talk"
When you are doing something that makes you feel slightly awkward or is diffficult but still feels right, you are experiencing...
What is "GROWTH"
When you using/practicing coping skills you've learned you are...
What is "Working your treatment"