The Prophet was born in the Year of the Elephant, named after an attempted invasion of Mecca by this Yemeni general.
Who is Abraha?
The first word revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by Angel Jibreel in the Cave of Hira.
What is "Iqra" (Read)?
The Prophet spent 13 years in this city before migrating to Medina.
What is Mecca?
She was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the first person to accept Islam.
Who is Khadijah (RA)?
The Prophet encouraged Muslims to learn these three physical skills as part of the Sunnah.
What are swimming, horseback riding, and archery?
As per Arab traditions, children were sent to live in the desert with Bedouins for these two main reasons.
What are health and language/manners development?
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) often secluded himself for meditation in this cave before receiving revelation.
What is Cave Hira?
The Prophet’s message was first spread in secret for this many years.
What is three years?
This close friend of the Prophet became the first Caliph of Islam after his passing.
Who is Abu Bakr (RA)?
The first four people to embrace Islam included Khadijah (RA), Ali (RA), Abu Bakr (RA), and this freed slave.
Who is Zaid bin Harith?
This foster mother from the Banu Sa’ad tribe cared for young Muhammad (SAW) and witnessed miraculous blessings after taking him in.
Who is Halima As-Sa’adiyah?
After receiving the first revelation, the Prophet’s wife took him to meet this cousin of hers, a Christian scholar.
Who is Waraqah bin Nawfal?
The Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Medina is called this.
What is the Hijrah?
The Prophet’s uncle who raised him after the death of his grandfather.
Who is Abu Talib?
The Prophet (SAW) would take his early followers to the mountains to secretly practice this Islamic duty.
What is Salah (prayer)?
At the age of 6, the Prophet’s mother passed away in this location while returning from a visit to his father’s grave.
What is Abwa?
The Prophet (SAW) received revelation over this many years before his passing.
What is 23 years?
After migration, the Prophet established the first Islamic state in this city.
What is Medina?
The Prophet had four daughters with Khadijah (RA), including this youngest and most beloved daughter.
Who is Fatima (RA)?
The Prophet (SAW) stated that this woman was among the four greatest women of Paradise.
Who is Maryam bint Imran (Mary, the mother of Jesus)?
The Prophet’s grandfather, who took care of him after his mother’s death, was known by this name.
Who is Abdul Muttalib?
This angel delivered the revelations of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Who is Angel Jibreel?
The Makkan period of the Prophet’s mission can be divided into this many phases
What is three?
The Prophet's cousin, who later became the fourth Caliph of Islam, was among the first to accept Islam.
Who is Ali ibn Abi Talib?
The Prophet (SAW) said that the best of creation are those with this quality.
What is good character?