General Knowledge
Pre-Islamic Arabia
Birth & Early Life
Before Prophethood
Early Mecca
Late Mecca
Early Madinah
Late Madinah

What is the arabic meaning of "Seerah"? 

To move / travel


The Prophet from whose lineage came all the Prophets after him, including Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Ibrahim (AS)


1. In which month in the Islamic calendar was Prophet (saw) born?

2. Which day of the week was he (saw) born?

Rabi'-ul-Awwal, Monday


What is the role/occupation assigned by Allah to all the Prophets, including Prophet (saw)?


Wisdom behind this:

1- teaches tolerance

2- self-sufficiency

3- Sheep and goats disperse very fast, but can be collected very fast as well, just like societies of people.  

4- teaches value of hard work


How many years before the first revelation was Prophet (saw) inclined to isolate himself in Cave Hira?

3 years, around the age of 37


The conversion of which 2 people came in the 6th year of Prophethood and helped Muslims gain very significant momentum?

Hamza (RA) and Umar (RA). 

The conversion of Umar (RA) was 3 days after that of Hamza (RA). 


Who was the first person to migrate to Medinah? 

Umm Salamah (RA) with her husband 

She was initially stopped by her husband's family and her daughter was taken away from her. She would cry and pray for her child for a long time and finally was able to get her child back. 

She migrated to Medinah on her own with the help of Uthmaan bin Math'oon. 


1. How many months after migration to Madinah did the command for the change in qiblah come?

2. Which verse in the Qur'an reflects this command of Allah?

16 months after Hijrah

The first qiblah was toward Masjid Al Aqsa. During asr or dhuhr Salah 16 months after Hijrah, Allah swt revealed Ayah 144 of Surah Al-Baqarah. 


Name 3 intentions of studying the "Seerah"?

  • Makes the Salawaat more meaningful

  • To have an exemplary role model

  • To implement his Sunnah

  • To teach others about his life

  • To know and appreciate the Prophet (saw)

  • To increase love for the Prophet (saw)

  • To help better understand the Quran

  • You cannot love someone you do not know


Name 3 similarities between Ibrahim (AS) and Prophet Muhammad (saw)

Similarities with the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم 

▪ Both were sent to idol worshipping nations 

▪ Both were orphans 

▪ Both climbed mountains in search of Allah (SWT) 

▪ Both were persecuted for their message and forced to migrate 

▪ Their wives were the first converts and their nephews second 

▪ Both had 2 harams


What was the name of the slave Abu Lahab freed in excitement of the birth of his nephew, Prophet Muhammad (saw)?



Which 4 months were designated Al-Ashhur Al-Hurum (The Sacred Months) - in which Arabs had decided no wars/battle/fighting could take place?

Dhu al-Qadah, Dhu'l-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab


1. Describe the two descents of the Qur'an. 

2. In which month did both of these descents occur?

First descent of the Quran is from Allah SWT to the Lawh-ul-Mahfoodh (The Sealed Tablet).

Second descent was from Lawh-ul-Mahfoodh to the sky of this world.

Both of these descents happened in Ramadan. The first on 17th of Ramadan, and the second on Laylatul Qadr. 


1. How many years did the boycott of the family and valley of Banu Hashim last?

2. How did this boycott end?

1. 3 years

2. The paper on which the boycott was written was chewed up by termites, except for "Allah". 

Non-Muslims stood up for justice and spoke on behalf of Muslims. 


When Prophet (saw) was given permission to migrate to Madinah by Allah (swt), whom did Allah choose for him (saw) to migrate with?

Abu Bakr (RA). When Prophet (saw) told Abu Bakr (RA) this news, Abu Bakr (RA) began crying out of happiness. 

Aisha (RA) said about this moment: "I did not know that men could cry out of happiness until I saw my father cry when the Prophet (saw) told him he could be his companion on this journey". 


Which year after hijrah was Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr, Eid Al Adha and Zakat legislated?

During the second year of Hijrah 


Name any 3 virtues of sending salawaat upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم

  • Raised Ten Ranks

  • Ten Good Deeds Written

  • Ten Bad Deeds Erased

  • Receives peace and blessings from Allah and the Angels

  • Among many more


Name any 2 religions in Pre-Islamic Arabia

Pre-Islamic Arabia Religions

 ▪ Polytheists

 ▪ People of the Book – Christianity and Judaism

 ▪ Zoroastrianism (fire-worshippers)

 ▪ Sabeanism (star-worshippers)

 ▪ Haneefism (the very few who were on the religion of Ibrahim (AS) and believed in the Oneness of Allah). An example was Khadijah's (RA) elderly cousin, Waraqa bin Nawfal.


Name any 3 sunnan that we should follow when a baby is born. 

1. Call adhan in the child’s right ear and iqamah in their left ear 

2. Tahneek - giving the baby something sweet (usually a date) The date must be softened and then some of the fibers of the date are rubbed on the inside of the child's mouth.

3. The hair of the baby is shaved and weighed. The weight of the hair in gold value is then given in charity. 

4. Aqiqah A goat or lamb is sacrificed and people are invited to eat. 

5. It is a sunnah to give the child a name by the 7th day of its life.


What was the name of the war that began because a man was killed outside of Mecca in one of these 4 sacred months?



There are eight known modes of revelation of the verses of the Qur'an. Name any 3. 

Modes of Revelation. 

1. True dreams and visions 

2. Angels placed revelation directly into his SAW heart 

3. Angels appeared in human form 

4. Sounds of a ringing bell 

5. Angels appeared in their true form (when Surah Iqra and Muddathir were revealed)

6. Revelation without mediation 

7. Witnessing Allah SWT directly Allah SWT spoke to the Prophet SAW in the heavens (last 2 verses of Surah Al-Baqarah were given directly from Allah SWT to the Prophet SAW) 

8. The Prophet SAW experienced around 2200 episodes with Jibreel in 23 years 


What was the Year of Sorrow and in which year of Prophethood did this occur?

In the 10th year of Prophethood, Prophet (saw) lost both his uncle, Abu Talib (RA) and his wife, Khadijah (RA). 

At this point, the Prophet SAW had lost his source of external comfort (Abu Talib) and his internal source of comfort (Khadijah RA). 


When Quraysh held a meeting to plan how to stop Prophet (saw) from migrating, an old man whom nobody had ever seen before attended this meeting. Who was this old man?



1. There were 2 types of battles during the life of Prophet (saw)- Ghazwa and Sariyya. Explain the difference between these. 

2. How many of each of the battles occurred in the life of the Prophet (saw)?

A Ghazwa was a battle in which the Prophet (saw) participated.

A Sariyya was a battle in which the Prophet (saw) was not present, but he sent an army to fight. 

Ghazwa= 21

Sariyya = 38


What was the first word of the Qur'an revealed to Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم 

Iqra - Read


Part 1: To whom did Allah (swt) first grant the gift of Zam Zam? 

Part 2: What language does the word Zam Zam belong to and what does it mean?

Hajar (RA), the wife of Ibrahim (AS) and mother of Ismail (AS)

The word Zam Zam is a Hebrew word which means “stop, stop”


The names Muhammad and Ahmad both belonged to Prophet (saw). What is the difference in the meaning between these names?

Muhammad means the one who is constantly praised. 

Ahmad means the one who praises Allah the most. 

Not only is he SAW praised the most, but he SAW is also the best in praising Allah SWT.


Name of pact that was finally made by Quraysh to end the fighting and to uphold justice?

Hilf Ul-Fudul


What was the length of the pause after first revelation (as per majority of scholarly opinion)?

6 months


After Uhud, Aisha RA asked the Prophet SAW, “Have you ever seen a day worse than the day of Uhud.” He (saw) said, “Oh Aisha, if only you saw the day that I visited ________ " 


Prophet (saw) had gone to Ta'if with Zaid (RA) in hope of seeking protection and inviting the people of Ta'if to Islam. But they drove him (saw) out with stones until Prophet (saw) was bleeding from his head to his feet. This was one of the lowest points in the life of Prophet (saw). 


What was the name of the cave in which Prophet (saw) and Abu Bakr (RA) sought safety from the Quraysh on their way to Madinah? 

Cave Thawr 


Only 8 out of the 21 ghazwat which took place involved physical combat. 

Name any 4 of the 8.





Banu Quraidha 


Fath Mecca 



What is the meaning of the word "Quraysh"

Quraysh: A creature from the sea which devours any creature that comes in its way. They were given this title because they were very powerful and no one would beat them.


Which Surah discusses the story of Allah's command to Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice Ismail (AS), and their surrender to the command of Allah?

Surah As-Saffat (37:102-105)

 And when he was old enough to go about and work with him, (one day) Abraham said to him: “My son, I see in my dream that I am slaughtering you. So consider (and tell me) what you think.” He said: “Do as you are bidden. You will find me, if Allah so wills, among the steadfast.”(37:102)

So when they both submitted (to Allah), (Abraham) put him down upon his forehead. (37:103) 

And We called out to him saying: “O Abraham”! (37:104) 

You have indeed remained faithful to the dream (you have fulfilled the dream). Surely thus do We reward the Muhsinîn (good-doers). (37:105)  


Who was the couple who took Prophet Muhammad (saw) from Mecca to the desert for the first few years of his (saw) life, as per the custom of Arabs?

Halima Al-Sa'diyah and her husband Abu Kabshah


Prophet Muhammad (saw) was my shepherd in his early 20s. 

I told my sister about him when she was looking for an honest person to take care of her business. 

                           WHO AM I?

Hala, sister of Khadijah (RA) 


After the first 5 verses of Surah Al-Alaq, which two Surahs were next to be revealed?

Surah Al-Muzammil and Surah Al-Muddathir

Surah Al-Muzammil tells Prophet (saw) to establish worship at night, while Surah Al-Muddathir tells Prophet (saw) to stand and do public dawah. 

Allah SWT is telling the Prophet SAW that through tahajud at night, your words will have an effect during the day.


 On the way back from Ta'if, Prophet (saw) stopped at a place where he prayed Tahajjud (the only Salah made obligatory on him at this point). 

1. What place was this and what happened here?

2. Which Surah is this occurrence mentioned in?

1. Nakhlah. He (saw) was praying tahajud and 7 Jinns came around him and listened to his recitation. When the Jinns heard the Quran, they accepted Islam. 

2. This story is mentioned in Surah Al-Ahqaaf (46:29-32)


I am the daughter of Abu Bakr (RA) who delivered food to my father and Prophet Muhammad (saw) when they were in Cave Thawr. 

Abu Jahl threatened me but I did not give in. 


Asma bint Abu Bakr (RA)


Before the Battle of Badr who had a dream in which there was a rider who came to the city of Mecca and screamed to the people of Mecca that they must clear the city or they will be destroyed. He made this announcement 3 times, but no one took him seriously. Then suddenly the city of Mecca was destroyed.

'Atikah bin Abdul Muttalib, the aunt of Prophet Muhammad (saw)


Who was the ruler of Yemen in Pre-Islamic Arabia and why did he want to destroy the Kabah? 

Which Surah in the Qur'an did Allah swt reveal to detail this incident?

Abraha was the king of Yemen. He did not like that all of the money and economy was going to Mecca so he built a structure in Yemen in competition with Mecca. A man in Mecca heard about this and he went to Yemen and disgraced this structure by relieving himself in it. Abraha became extremely angry about this and he said that he would not be satisfied until he destroyed the Ka’bah.

The fate of Abraha's army is detailed in Surah Al-Fil. 


How many years after Isa (AS) did the revelation of Allah come? 

Prophet Muhammad (saw) was born 570 years after Isa (AS). It was therefore 610 years after Isa(AS) that the next revelation from Allah came. 

In these 6 centuries, the religion of Christianity was diluted and changed.


How many times in his (saw) life did the splitting of his (saw) chest occur?

4 times.

1. First at the age of 4-5 years old, under the care of Halimah. To cleanse him from the experiences he went through as a child. 

2. When he was 10 years old. To cleanse him from the experiences he went through as a teenager. 

3. At age 40, at the time of the first revelation. To prepare him for revelation 

4. At age 51, before Isra' and Mi'raj. To prepare him for his meeting with Allah 


Who was the servant sent with Prophet Muhammad (saw) on the trade journey to Syria once Khadijah (RA) hired him as a merchant?



I am the cousin of Prophet Muhammad (saw). 

I accepted Islam when my father told me to stand in prayer next to my brother, who was one of the first converts to Islam. 

My father never accepted Islam. 


Ja'far (RA), the brother of Ali (RA), and the son of Abu Talib. 


1. After the difficult Year of Sorrow, which blessed journey did Allah swt grant Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

2.   Where did this journey take Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

Al-'Isra Wal-Mi'raj (The Night Journey)

Al-'Isra: From Mecca to Bait-Al-Maqdis (Palestine)

Al-Mi'raj: From Bait-Al-Maqdis to the heavens


Who was able to find Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Abu Bakr (RA) at Cave Thawr, but was unable to approach them because of the du'a made by Prophet Muhammad (saw)? 

Suraqah bin Malik. 

As he began to approach Prophet (saw), he (saw) made dua and the hooves of Suraqa's animal began to sink in the sand. Suraqah pleaded to Prophet (saw) to make another dua to free him, and promised to turn away. This happened 3 times because Suraqa tried to decieve the Prophet (saw). After the 3rd time, Prophet Muhammad (saw) invited him to Islam, but he refused. 

He did promise to mislead anyone else who tried to look for them and kept this promise.


Who was the companion of Prophet Muhammad (saw) who fought and protected Prophet (saw) with such heroic courage during Battle of Uhud that he (saw) looked at this companion and said that today Paradise has become mandatory for ___________. He is one of the Ashrah Mubashra (the 10 companions promised Paradise). 


Talha bin Ubaidillah (RA)

When arrows were coming, Talha used his body and arms to catch the arrows meant for Prophet Muhammad (saw), and was severely wounded. Talha carried Prophet Muhammad (saw) on his back out of harm's way. 

Prophet Muhammad (saw) looked at him and said that today, Paradise has become mandatory for Talha. 


How many days before the birth of Prophet Muhammad (saw) did the incident of Abraha occur?

50-60 days 


How did the Arabic language become ingrained into the culture of Mecca?

Prophet Ismail (AS) married a woman from the tribe of Jurhum, which was the first tribe to migrate to Mecca when Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS) went there. 

This tribe spoke Arabic while everyone in Mecca spoke Hebrew or Aramaic. Through the marriage of Ismail AS, the language of Arabic was ingrained into the culture of Mecca.


The seal of Prophethood was placed on the chest and back of Prophet (saw) by the 2 angels at the time of the first splitting. 

Later on, which companion of the Prophet (saw) looked for and found this seal as evidence of his (saw) Prophethood? 

Salman Al-Farsi (RA)


Which tribes were Khadijah (RA) and Prophet (saw) from?

She was from Banu Asad and he (SAW) was from Banu Hashim.


The only person who is mentioned in the Qur'an as a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

Abu Bakr As-Siddeeq (RA)

"If ye help not (your leader), (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him, when the Unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion; they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion, "Have no fear, for Allah is with us": (9:40)


Name each Prophet whom Prophet Muhammad (saw) met in the skies during The Night Journey. 

1st sky: Adam (AS)

2nd sky: Yahya (AS)

3rd sky: Yusuf (AS)

4th sky: Idris (AS)

5th sky: Harun (AS)

6th sky: Musa (AS)

7th sky: Ibrahim (AS)


The name of the woman whose tent Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Abu Bakr (RA) stopped at on the way to Madinah, and from whom we have the best description of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

Umm Ma'bad 

She described  the beauty of the Prophet (saw) even when he was traveling in the middle of the desert. 


I am the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

My husband was a prisoner of war after Battle of Badr, but my father agreed to let him go in exchange of my move to Madinah.

On my way to Madinah, an enemy of the Muslims, speared my camel. I fell and suffered a miscarriage. 


Zaynab (RA).

Her husband was Abu al-'Aas who accepted Islam only 1 year before she passed away. 

Zaynab (RA) passed away in the 8th year of Hijrah, from her injury when she fell off the camel. 

The person who had speared her camel was Habbar bin Aswad. 


What were the names of Prophet Muhammad's (saw) parents?

Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib

Aaminah bint Wahab


Name any 2 negative traits of Arabs in Pre-Islamic Arabia, and any 2 positive traits.


In which city on their way back to Mecca, did Aaminah pass away in?

Abwa, which is in the middle of the desert. 

A caravan that passed by them helped bury Aaminah because Umm Ayman was not able to do it by herself. 

50 years later, the Prophet SAW visited his mother's grave as they were on their way to Mecca for Fath Mecca.


How many children did Khadijah (RA) have from her previous marriages before her marriage with Prophet (saw)?


She had Abdullah and Hind with her first husband named Ateeq. 

She also had a daughter named Hala with her second husband named Abu Hala.


One day the Prophet SAW walked into the masjid with __________ RA on his right and _________ RA on his left. He grabbed their hands and lifted them and said, “This is how we will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment.

Who were these two companions, respectively?

Abu Bakr (RA), on the right, and Umar (RA), on the left.


After the 7th sky when Prophet Muhammad (saw) went up to Sidratul Muntaha and brought close to Allah, what 3 things does Allah give Prophet (saw)?

1. Salah

2. Last 2 verses of Surah Al-Baqarah

3. Promise of forgiveness for the ummah of Prophet (saw) as long as they do not associate partners with Allah (swt).


The first masjid built by Prophet Muhammad (saw) himself.

Masjid Quba

He (saw) stayed in Quba for 4 days and built the first masjid.

The Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever prays in Masjid Quba gets the reward of Hajj and Umrah"


1. Who was appointed the leader of the 50 archers on the hill during Battle of Uhud? 

2. Who took advantage of the mistake of the Muslims in Battle of Uhud?

1. Abdullah bin Jubair (RA). When 30 archers began descending in greed for the spoils of war, he told them to stay but they didn't listen to him. 

2. Khalid bin Waleed (who later became Muslim) was fighting on the side of Quraysh. He saw the archers descend the hill and attacked the remaining 20 archers on the hill. 


I was an Abyssinian servant of Abdullah. 

After the death of both Abdullah and Aaminah, I became the foster mother of Prophet Muhammad (saw). 

After I lost my first husband, I married Zayd bin Haritha (RA). We had a son named Osama bin Zayd (RA). 

I was the only one who witnessed both the birth and death of Prophet Muhammad (saw).

                              WHO AM I?

Barakah bint Tha'alaba also known as Umm Ayman


Who was the great grandfather of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

How did he get his name?

Hashim bin 'Abd Manaf was the great grandfather of the Prophet SAW.

His actual name was ‘Amr. He was called Hashim because when Mecca went through drought, he would cook food in a way that more people would eat. The word "hasham" means to crush. He would crush bread and spread it around with meat so that more people could eat it.


After Abdul Muttalib passed away, who eagerly volunteered to take care of Prophet Muhammad (saw)? 

Why wasn't he allowed to take care of Prophet (saw) and who ended up becoming the caretaker?

Hamzah (RA), the uncle of Prophet (saw), but he was only 10 years old himself. 

Abu Talib, also an uncle, became the caretaker. 


How many children did Khadijah (RA) and Prophet Muhammad (saw) have in all?

4 daughters: Zaynab (RA), Ruqayyah (RA), Umm Kulthum (RA) and Fatimah (RA) 

2 sons: Al-Qasim and Abdullah (both passed away in their infancy)

All children of Prophet (saw) passed away under age 30. Only Fatimah (RA) outlived him (saw) by 6 months, and even she was under 30 when she passed away. 


Who were the first martyrs for Islam?

Parents of Ammar bin Yasir (RA): Sumayya and Yasir (RA)


What was the pledge of Aqabah?

In the 11th and 13th year of Prophethood, pilgrims from Medina came to Mecca (Aqaba, near Mina) and pledged their allegiance to the Prophet (saw).

The terms of the pledge were:

- they would not worship other than Allah

- they would not commit zina

-they would not steal

-they would not kill

-they would not accuse anyone innocent

Many Ansaar pledged their allegiance and asked Prophet (saw) to come with them to Medinah. 


Whose house did Prophet Muhammad (saw) stay in when he reached Madinah?

Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari


There were several conditions of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah between Muslims and Quraysh in the year Prophet (saw) tried to go for Umrah but the Quraysh wouldn't let the Muslims in. 

Name any 2 of these conditions of the Treaty.

Conditions of Treaty of Hudaibiyah-

1. Peace for 10 years between Quraysh and Muslims 

2. Meccans seeking refuge in Madinah will have to be returned but Madinans moving to Mecca will not be returned. 

3. Muslims will return to Madinah and perform Umrah the next year but can only remain in Mecca for 3 days.

4. Any tribe wanting to be allied with Muslims or Quraysh can do so. 


Allah has two principles: Sunnatullah and Qudratullah. 

What is the difference between these? 

Sunnatullah is the natural way of Allah. It is the natural things that take place which do not usually change (ex: fire burns) Qudratullah is the power and capability of Allah. It is the way that Allah reveals His power by breaking the natural way of things (ex: the fire that was cool for Prophet Ibrahim AS) 

This entire event about Abraha and his army is a display of the Qudrah of Allah.


What was the actual name of Prophet Muhammad's grandfather? Why was he called 'Abdul Muttalib'?

The actual name of Abdul Muttalib was 'Shaybah'

In Mecca, he was known as Abdul Muttalib because when he was brought here by his uncle Muttalib after the death of his father Hashim, he was so dirty was the journey through the desert sand that Muttalib was embarrassed to introduce him as his nephew. He told people Shaybah was his slave. People therefore started to call him 'Abdul Muttalib'- the slave of Muttalib. 


When Abu Talib took Prophet Muhammad (saw) with him to Syria on a trade journey, who saw in him (saw) signs of Prophethood?

Bahira the Monk. 

He notified Abu Talib of this, and urged him not to take young Prophet Muhammad (saw) to Rome, because the Romans may recognize signs of his (saw) Prophethood and try to kill him. Prophet (saw) was taken back to Mecca. 


Besides their 6 children, which 2 people also lived in the household of Prophet Muhammad (saw) around this time (before Prophethood)?

1. Zaid bin Haritha (RA): He was the servant of Khadijah RA. She gifted him to the Prophet SAW at marriage.

Zaid (RA) is the only companion mentioned by name in the Quran as a reward for his loyalty to the Prophet SAW.

2.  Ali bin Abi Talib (RA) : When Khadijah’s business began to grow, the Prophet SAW took Ali RA into their house because he knew that Abu Talib did not have the money to support Ali RA. 


1. Which city did the first Muslims migrate to because persecution in Mecca became intolerable?

2. Who was the ruler of this city Muslims migrated to?

Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia). The king was a just and fair ruler named Najashi. 


Name any 2 Ansaar who accepted Islam before Prophet Muhammad's official migration to Madinah. 

Ubayy ibn Ka'ab (RA): He became the Qari of this ummah

Hassan bin Thabit (RA): poet of the Prophet (saw)

Sa'ad bin Rabi' (RA)

Abdullah bin Rawaha (RA)

Nusaybah (RA) : She fought in the battle of Uhud when Muslims were being defeated.

And there were over 70 others. 


Which two companions had dreams about the the Adhan as the call to prayer, based on which Prophet (saw) accepted the Adhan as the established way to call Muslims to prayer?

Abdullah bin Zaid (RA) and Umar ibn Al-Khattab (RA). 

Prophet Muhammad (saw) recognized the words from his Night Journey of 'Isra and Mi'raj.


Which tribe caused the violation of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah that led to the ultimate Conquest of Mecca by Muslims?

Banu Bakr (which allied with the Quraysh) attacked Banu Khuza'ah (who were allies of Muslims). 
