Acronym Definition

Sometimes referred to as two way immersion or dual immersion. They are designed for even numbers of English speakers and ELL’s from the same language background.

What is Dual Language program


Self-contained grade-level classrooms for ELL’s with teachers who are trained and certified to provide language and content instruction for ELL students.

What is SEI (Structured English Immersion)? 


We acquire language in a predictable order. Sometimes appears “immune to teaching.”

What is Natural order hypothesis?


Refers to a wide range of programs such as in school and after school or weekend programs in which language minority students have the opportunity to learn their native or heritage language.

What is Heritage Language Program


A student is identified as a PHLOTE upon enrollment into a district if a language other than English is identifies on the Home Language Survey. A PHLOTE is not necessarily an ELL.

What is PHLOTE (Primary Home Language Other Than English)? 


Even though most language is acquired, we use learned language to monitor or inspect what we acquire and then mentally correct errors. We sometimes correct the errors in our head before they are written or spoken. “Little language teacher in our heads.”

What is Monitor hypothesis?


Recognize that newly arrived ELL’s with little to no proficiency in English will have very difficult times learning in a classroom with English instruction. These programs are great for students when bilingual education is not an option.

What is Newcomer Program


An Alternative label for an ESL programs and instruction, commonly used at the elementary schools.

What is ELD (English Language Development)?


Controls how much comprehensible input gets through to the learner. “Lower the affective filter to maximize comprehensible input.” The affective filter is a barrier due to stress, discomfort, and fear. It must be lowered for any language learning, or any language to occur.

What is Affective filter hypothesis?


Placing an ELL student in a mainstream classroom where there is no ESL instruction, no sheltered instruction, and no primary language support.Placing an ELL student in a mainstream classroom where there is no ESL instruction, no sheltered instruction, and no primary language support.

What is Submersion?


A person whose first language is something other than English and who is in the process of attaining proficiency in English.

What is an ELL (English Language Learner)?


Essential ingredient for Second Language Acquisition. When the Affective filter is low, comprehended input is presented.

What is Comprehensible input hypothesis?


Individuals who are unable to communicate in English because they have not learned the language and have not developed fluency.

What is an LEP (Limited English Proficient)?
