The number of WIDA ELD levels.
What is 6
The reading WIDA level of a student who "can match pictures to words and phrases"
What is level 1
Words that are similar in more than one language. For example, president and presidente.
What is a cognate?
Offering students an opportunity to use their first language to discuss and clarify a concept is called this.
What is translanguaging?
The CC icon at the bottom of the YouTube video represents this.
What is "closed captioning"
The descriptors that are used to help teachers anticipate a student's English level needs.
What are the "Can Do" descriptors?
A bulletin board filled with vocab words from the current unit is called this.
What is a word wall?
The best way to prepare the scaffolds and supports for an activity.
The ACCESS score of a student who exits ESL.
What is 4.2?
A multi-lingual student who no longer takes ESL classes and is monitored for 4 years.
What is a FEL (Former English Learner)?
Adding images and graphics to a presentation.
What is a good way to teach vocab?
This is a partially filled sentence that will reduce the cognitive load on students.
What is a sentence frame or sentence starter?