Smallest units of sound in a language. Change in the sounds of phonemes causes a change in meaning.
Refers to a wide range of programs such as in school and after school or weekend programs in which language minority students have the opportunity to learn their native or heritage language.
Heritage Language Program
Occurs when a new language replaces a student’s home language.
Subtractive bilingualism
Placing an ELL student in a mainstream classroom where there is no ESL instruction, no sheltered instruction, and no primary language support.
Occurs when a student develops proficiency in a new language without losing his or her home language
Additive bilingualism
refers to the study of rules that depict the way words are put together to create sentences.
We acquire language in a predictable order. Sometimes appears “immune to teaching.”
Natural order hypothesis
When one is talking about pragmatics, they mean the recognition of what is being said when it’s not actually spoken; the "invisible meaning."
A student who is ELL and with a disability. Labeled ELL and SPED.
Dual Label Student
Newcomer Program
Recognize that newly arrived ELL’s with little to no proficiency in English will have very difficult times learning in a classroom with English instruction. These programs are great for students when bilingual education is not an option.