Name the hobby!
Watching tv
Fill in the blank.
I have ____ class after lunch!
You were robbed!
-200 points
+100 all other players
Fill in the blank.
He plays the _____.
Write バナナ in English on the board!
Fill in the blank.
She likes to ____ .
Name the school subject.
Name the club!
What instrument does she play? (sentence!)
She plays the harp.
All students play じゃんけん, winner +200 points
What is your least favorite hobby? (full sentence!)
My least favorite hobby is...
I dilike....
I don't like...
!DOUBLE! (600 pts)
Write the school subject on the board! (spelling!!!!)
Fill in the blank!
She is in the ______ club.
Fill in the blank.
Why does she like BTS?
She thinks their music is _______ .
Say something nice to another student in English!
(Ask the student with the lowest score)
"What is your favorite hobby?"
If they can answer (complete sentence), both +400.
If they can't, both -0.
My favorite hobby is...
I like...
What class do you have 1st period on Thursday?
What was your club in Junior High School? (full sentence!!)
I was in the... club in JHS.
I had... club in JHS.
My club in JHS was...
My club was...
You see a gold pig. What will you do?
1. Pet it
2. Eat it
3. Run away
What did you do?
1. +400 points
2. -400 points
3. +0 points
How often do you study English? (Sentence!)
I study English _____.
I ____ study English.
You tripped.
-500 points
You found money!
+1000 points
What is your favorite school subject? (sentence!!)
My favorite school subject is...
I like...
What club was ______ sensei in during High School? (ask him in English!)
Answer (full sentence!): He was in the ______ club during High School.
Answer both questions!
Who is your favorite singer/band? (sentence!)
Why do you like them? (sentence!)
My favorite singer/band is...
I think their music is....
Where is Frederick from?