What's Your Plan
Drugs Anyone
1st To The Aid
It's Up To You
What's Your Seizure
Template that should be used by the school nurse for ALL students with a history of seizures, but who do not take seizure medications and/or has not had a seizure in over 2 years.
What is a General- Emergency Care Plan for students with seizures?
Grogginess, double vision, dizziness, nausea, unsteadiness on their feet, and rashes.
What is common side effects to common seizure medications used in children?
This should be done to avoid injury to the student during the seizure.
What is clear the area around the student.
Legal document that should be offered to parents of a student with a seizure disorder, that would outline classroom accommodations.
What is a 504?
Tonic clonic seizure in young children resulting from a sudden increase in body temperature or high fever.
What is a febrile seizure?
Template that should be used by the school nurse for a student with recent seizures, but has no medications ordered for school.
What is the Seizure ECP template?
Licensed staff (school nurses or LVN) and a trained unlicensed volunteer.
Who can administer Diastat to a SJUSD student?
This should be done to avoid student from aspirating bodily fluids, such as vomit.
What is roll student on their side?
People that should educated/trained by the school nurse at the school site.
Who is the Health Clerk, teachers, Administrator, front office staff, yard duty, (or all staff if possible)
A student cries out or screams, becomes stiff, falls down, and then begins to move arms or legs in jerky up and down or side to side movements.
What is Grand Mal or Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizures?
Template that should be used by the school nurse for a student who has a seizure disorder and has anti-seizure medication (Diastat) orders for school.
What is the Seizure with Diastat orders ECP template?
Anti-seizure emergency medication approved to be given at a school setting if a student develops status ellipticus
What is Diastat (Diazepam rectal gel)
True or False, Do not attempt to insert anything into the student’s mouth.
What is True
Document that should be sent home for all students with a seizure history.
What is the parent letter?
A student might stare blankly ahead, blink rapidly, or appear to be chewing. Student is unconscious and cannot be alerted or woken up.
What is Absence or Petit Mal seizures?
Document that should be written for all students with a seizure disorder, daily medications ordered for school, and/or diastat orders.
What is a seizure IHP?
Medications given to control seizure disorders in school age children are usually given _________ times daily.
What is QD to BID?
Allow student to continue activity or sleep in a quiet safe place and observe closely for additional seizures.
What should be done after the seizure subsides?
The seizure log and ECP should be found here.
What is the medication/Emergency binder?
This is a type of seizure where the student collapses or falls, either from the entire body stiffening or a complete loss of muscle tone.
What is Atonic and Tonic Seizures or “drop attack” seizures?
Classroom teacher, substitute teachers, PE teacher, resource teachers, administrator, front office staff, health clerk, and/or bus drivers.
Who should be given a copy of the student’s ECP?
Common medications prescribed to school age children to control seizure disorders.
What is Keppra, Trileptal, and Depakote.
This should be done to avoid student from injuring their head during the seizure.
What is place something soft (a blanket or jacket) under student’s head?
Training done to school staff that interact closely with a student with seizures.
What is seizure recognition and seizure first aid training?
During this type of seizure a student is aware of what is happening (staring, chewing, making odd movements) but cannot control it.
What is simple partial seizures?