RTI Model Tier 2, Tier 3
How Why Try fits into school based interventions?
What are Peer-to-Peer supports called at the secondary level?
Delivering "Why Try" to mastery skills class so that the hour is consistent. If additional students are identified through RTLC, they can still come to that hour.
What would Kathy change?
5 out of 6
The year Why Try was established?
Truancy reduction, increase academic successes and violence prevention.
What is Why Try curriculum that provides resources?
Social Skills Group
What is an evidence based intervention where student's are given explicit instruction in social communication?
In moving forward, I would encompass some of the why try lessons in the resource room and study skill classes throughout the year.
What would Deb change?
What is the percent increase of General Education participation at Maltby?
Visual, auditory and body/kinesthetic
What are the major learning styles of WhyTry?
Tearing-off labels (negative labels can hurt, but positive help achieve goals).
What is the key concept of Why Try?
What are the total number of Peer-to-Peer programs in Michigan?
Professional Development in Why Try for instructors.
What would Mike change?
Who often reports that Peer to Peer changes them forever?
Mentors / LINKs
Five of the life skills that Why Try teaches
What are: decisions have consequences; dealing with peer pressure; obeying laws and rules; plugging into support systems.
Solution focuses, brief therapy, social emotional intelligence and multi-sensory learning.
What are the Social Emotional principles of Why Try?
What are the total number of general education student participation in Michigan?
Addition of lunch LINKS
What would Andrew change?
What is the largest GPA gain of Why Try participants?
Who has the most successful Peer-to-Peer program in the county?
Lift the weight, climbing out, jumping hurdles, the wall, tearing off labels.
What are the six visual analogies used in Why Try?
Generalization, modeling, fostering an inclusive environment, building empathy.
What are the primary benefits of building Peer-to-Peer programs according to START?
Add Remind app for mentees (not just LINKS) to help with transitions between quarter changes, lunches and field trips.
What would Jessie change?