hitting another person is an example of
unexpected behavior
little bobby is sleeping on his desk
blue zone
whole body listening.
I do not know the test answer so I copy a friends
tony threw a chair at the teacher! He is out of control.
red zone
I have a problem that needs help from police, firefighters, or 911.
big problem
I push in my chair and clean up my environment
Green Zone
I am following the group plan!
Body in the group
expected behaviors make others feel
safe and comfortable
Terry is screaming with joy and is so excited to play kahoot.
yellow zone
I have a problem that I can fix on my own without help from an adult.
small problem
behaviors that make people feel unsafe and uncomfortable are
Georgia is dancing in the middle of the classroom while the teacher is teaching.
yellow zone
Tommy is good at reading, and Johnny is good at basketball. They have different...