SEL Group
Name that feeling
How do they feel?
What would you do?

What was the very first group activity?

Pass the artwork


When you feel pleased or satisfied, you may be feeling.....?



Ben just "struck out" during the kickball game at recess. How might Ben feel? What can you do?(2- part answer) 

Sad, frustrated, embarrassed, apathetic. Tell him it's ok and it happens to everyone.


Your friend is annoying you. How should you tell them?

Tell them how you feel or/and ask for space


You interrupted someone while they were speaking and it wasn't urgent.

Apologize for interrupting and let them finish before speaking.


What was the goal of the group 

Communication and teamwork 


When you have nothing interesting to do, you may feel?



Dylan got an A+ on his test. How does Dylan feel? What can you do?

Happy, excited, proud. Tell him he did a good job.


Your friend is leaving you out during a group game in recess, what can you do?

Tell them that you feel excluded, ask if everything is okay, find someone else to play with


Two of your friends are talking to you at the same time about different things.

Ask your friends to take turns speaking. Choose the person who started first or has something more urgent to talk about.


What was the most challenging part of the group?

Any appropriate response. 


When things don't go as planned, you feel...?

Disappointed or upset


Samantha shared that her cat passed away over the weekend. How does Samantha feel? What can you do?

Sad. Be empathetic. "I'm so sorry for your loss." Ask her if she wants to talk about it.


If your friend argues with you, what should you do?

Talk it out and allow uninterrupted time for both of you to share "I statements" then work together to compromise. 


Your closest friends are absent and you're going to recess.

Go up to someone you know and suggest something to play, talk to someone about similar hobbies/interests, walk up to a group and ask if you can join.


What was one way you improved by participating in group?

Any appropriate response will deem correct. 

Examples include: learning to control myself, managing upset feelings, using appropriate communication, taking a break if I needed to.  


When you are really worried, your heart races, your stomach or head hurts, you may feel...?



Jayden keeps talking about his straight As and how easy school is. Isaac worked really hard, but received Bs and Cs. Explain how Issac feels? ( hint 2 feelings) 

Isaac might feel embarrassed about his grades and annoyed with Jayden for bragging.


Your friend only wants to play a game that is different than what you want to play. What can you do?

Compromise. Ask if you can take turns playing both games or choose a different game together. Figure out a "win-win" solution. 


Your classmates are laughing at you because your shirt is on backwards.

Ignore it/laugh it off/tell them to not laugh because it's embarrassing and ask the teacher privately if you can go to the bathroom to change.


Name the colors on the feelings thermometer chart

Green= Happy, Blue= content/Ok, Yellow= uncomfortable, orange= heating up, Red= ready to explode or angry 


Feelings that can make it hard to focus on school work are... (name 4)

Silly, hungry, tired, bored, confused, excited, etc.


The teacher asks you to give Cecilia feedback on a presentation. She made a mistake during the presentation, but you don't want her to feel bad. What do you say?

First compliment her with what she did well and then kindly correct the mistake.


Name 4 characteristics of a good friend.

Trustworthy, kind, empathetic, respects boundaries, honest, good listener, fun, doesn't judge, supportive


A classmate is purposely making you feel extremely mad on by calling you names.

Take a breath, ignore, or appropriately respond by telling this class mate ie. "please stop calling me mean names". 

OR remove your self to a calming area til you are feeling calm before kindly telling your class mate not to call you mean names.
