Empathy & Understanding
Identity & Diversity
What Can You Do?

Define “perspective”.

"a particular attitude toward, or way of regarding something; a point of view"


Name 3 (non-verbal) ways you can express that you are listening to someone who is talking to you.

Example responses: eye contact, facing the person, nodding your head, trying not to fidget, etc. 


Name 3 types of relationships (example: parent / child).

Answers may vary. 


What is “diversity”? Give an example.

Definition: "the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc." 

Example answers may vary. 


You lie and tell your mom that you have Yearbook Club every week on Tuesday after school, so you can go to your friend’s house instead of watching your sister. She starts to get suspicious, so asks to get a note from the teacher running the club to confirm that you’ve been attending. What can you do?

Answers may vary. 


Define “stereotype” and give an example.

Definition: "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing" 

Examples may vary. 


Complete the quote: “We all ______ what we do not understand.”



What is “peer pressure”?

"a feeling that one must do the same things as other people of one's age and social group in order to be liked or respected"


Name 3 different types of identity (example: gender).

Example responses: race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, ability, age, etc. 


Declan has just followed an Instagram account and he discovers that somebody has posted an offensive and mean photo of a girl from his class. Declan feels very uncomfortable about it. What, if anything, can he do?

Answers may vary. 


What is a “social norm”?

"unwritten rules of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are considered acceptable in a particular social group or culture"


What is “social anxiety”, and what are 2 coping skills to help with it?

"when everyday social interactions cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, and embarrassment."

Example coping strategies: deep breathing, counting, grounding / mindfulness techniques, therapy


_______  is an agreement between participants to engage in sexual activity.



What does LGBTQ stand for? Name EVERY letter! 

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer 


Julia’s best friend has turned against her and is now organizing the other girls to bully and isolate her. What can Julia do?

Answers may vary. 


Define “empathy”. How is it different from sympathy?

Definition: "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another" 

Sympathy involves understanding from your own perspective. Empathy involves putting yourself in the other person's shoes.


Name 3 (non-verbal) ways you can tell that someone else is feeling sad or upset.

Example responses: Body is turned away from others, body is closed off, crying, acting out, isolation, remaining quiet, etc. 


Name 3 signs of an unhealthy relationship.

Example responses: controlling behaviors, lying, disrespect, abuse (verbal or physical), lack of communication, etc. 


What are 2 ways you can learn more about an identity that you are unfamiliar with?

Answers may vary. 


You’re heading in for a job interview with Brianna, your potential new employer. Nominate one person to show the best possible way to introduce yourself to her, and nominate another to show the worst possible way.


What is the difference between “equity” and “equality”?

"Equality means each individual or group of people is given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome."


When someone is acting differently on the outside than they are feeling internally, they may be said to be wearing a “behavioral ________”.



What resources are available to you if you need to talk about a toxic relationship? 

Examples: us, school therapists, teachers, parents, etc.  


What is “privilege”?

"certain social advantages, benefits, or degrees of prestige and respect that an individual has by virtue of belonging to certain social identity groups" 


Ted has a huge crush on Rebecca, and really wants to ask her out. He’s been telling all his friends his plan to do so, and Rebecca found out. She’s not into him like that, but doesn’t want to hurt Ted’s feelings. What can she do?

Answers may vary. 
