What emotion might this show:
Teeth clenched, face red, hands in fists
When someone is feeling left out at recess, what is something you could do to show empathy?
Invite them to play a game with you
When having a strong feeling, it is important to do what?
find a way to calm your body - could be by breathing, taking a walk, finding a calming activity,...
Feelings in the red zone
Angry, scared, terrified, mad, yelling, ...
What emotion might this show:
Smile, relaxed muscles, able to engage with learning
How can you show empathy to someone who is new at your school?
By introducing yourself, offering to show them around, being friendly, etc.
When we feel angry or frustrated, what is a way we can use mindfulness to calm down and think before reacting?
Take a moment to take some calm breaths, pause and count to ten, use a fidget,...
If I am in the yellow zone, one strategy to help me could be to______________.
take deep breaths, use the take a break space, take a walk, get a drink of water, practice a mindfulness activity,...
Show or explain what someone may look like if they are scared
answers vary
If you accidently bump into someone and they drop their books, what would be an empathetic response?
Apologizing and helping them pick up the books.
How can we use mindfulness to appreciate nature and our environment?
Go on a nature walk, observe the plants, animals and weather without judgement
This zone means I may be feeling tired, sad, sick, or bored.
Blue zone
What emotion might this show:
eyes looking down, tears, withdrawn
How can you show empathy to someone who is crying?
answers vary, but could include: offer to listen and comfort with kind words
A feeling in the green zone might be:
Okay, content, proud, good, calm,..
True or False:
We can experience more than one emotion at a time.
Empathy is...
being able to feel and understand the feelings of others.
What is mindfulness?
Being fully present in the moment.
Not paying attention to anything other than what is happening in the moment.
A feeling in the yellow zone is:
frustrated, excited, scared, silly, overwhelmed, worried,...