FILL IN THE BLANK: _____________ are what you feel on the inside when things happen to you.
People who believe that challenges and failures are opportunities for learning, and that skills and abilities can be developed through effort and consistency have a _______________.
Growth Mindset
________ is the ability to understand and empathize with the perspective of others from backgrounds and cultures that are not your own.
Social Awareness is the capacity to feel compassion for others and understand their backgrounds and histories.
Understanding and sharing the experiences and feelings of another person is called ______________.
Making Kind, Respectful and considerate choices and considering the feelings of other is called making _____
Responsible decisions
DAILY DOUBLE!! FILL IN THE BLANK: Emotions or feelings that we LIKE to experience are called ___________ emotions. (Provide Example for Bonus Points)
Positive Emotions (Happy, glad, joyful, excited, confident, proud, energetic, relaxed, etc.)
What does it mean to have a fixed mindset?
Having a fixed mindset means that you think skills and abilities cannot be developed, you either have them or you don't. You also may give up easily and run away from things that are too hard.
Each member of the group, give an example of how you have shown empathy to one of your classmates.
Give examples
Feeling _______ for someone is often confused with empathy.
Sharing toys with others, telling the truth even when it's difficult, cleaning up after themselves, asking for help when needed are all examples of being ____
TRUE OR FALSE: You can experience more than one emotion at a time.
TRUE. You can experience multiple emotions at a time.
CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: "I can't do this".
I can't do this yet, I can do this, I may need some help, etc.
Why is Social Awareness Important?
So you can understand others and what they feel
True or False: Showing Gratitude takes part in building friendships
What are ways that you can be responsible in school?
Completing Homework on time, putting your snacks away, and listening to teachers instructions.
FILL IN THE BLANK: Emotions that we avoid and don't like to experience are called ___________ emotions. (Provide examples)
Negative emotions (sad, angry, frustrated, stressed, tense, hurt, jealous, etc.)
CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: "This is good enough."
I can always do better, there is always room for improvement, I will go back and check my work, etc.
What actions take part in Social Awareness?
Showing concern for others, recognizing strengths, recognizing demands and opportunities
____ is when people work together to achieve a shared goal
What are ways to show that you are responsible when making a mistake?
Admit it, apologize, and try to fix it.
True or False: Others are responsible for your self awareness.
False: Self-awareness is your job. Only you can control your actions and behaviors.
CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: "I made a mistake. I can't fix it."
Mistakes help me learn, I can try again, I can fix this, etc.
True or False Should you show empathy with people with different backgrounds?
Helping a friend pick up dropped items and comforting a crying classmate are examples of
If you break something that belongs to someone else, what is the responsible action?
Apologize. Admit it and offer to replace/fix it