Name 3 positive emotions
happy, love, excited, amazing, funny, joy, hope, gratitude, confidence, affection, pride, curious, calm, silly, creative, etc.
What is empathy?
Understanding how someone else feels.
What is The Golden Rule?
Treat others how you want to be treated
What is a compliment?
Saying something nice about someone else.
What is encouragement?
Using kind words or compliments to make someone feel good, better, confident, happy, supported, appreciated, etc.
Name 3 difficult to manage emotions
fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, worry, frustration, nervousness, loneliness, pain, confused, alone, embarrassed, lazy, overwhelmed, jealous, etc.
What does the phrase mean "to walk a mile in someone else's shoes"
To understand how someone else is feeling from their perspective. To have empathy for another person and their situation.
Is The Golden Rule a good way to make friends? Yes or no
What should you always say after receiving a compliment?
Thank you!
What does feeling discouraged mean?
Feeling not confident, not happy, unappreciated, disappointed, etc.
What does worry mean?
to think about something upsetting or difficult. To be nervous about something in the future.
How can you tell what other people are feeling?
Facial expressions, body language, words, crying, yelling, etc.
How do you want to be treated?
With kindness, respect, friendship, honesty, care, empathy, understanding, etc.
What can you compliment?
Someone's appearance, personality, attitude, clothes, humor, talents, abilities, etc.
Give an example of encouragement
Teacher will determine if example is correct
Name 1 way we can manage feeling angry
Deep breathing, journaling, take a walk, talk to someone, tell the teacher, exercise, color, listen to music, relax, sleep, etc.
Name 1 way you can show empathy in the classroom?
Teacher will determine if answer is correct.
Name 1 way we can use the The Golden Rule in our classroom
Teacher will determine if example is correct
Why should we give compliements?
It makes other people feel good, it spreads kindness and positivity, it makes us feel good, etc.
How can we fight feeling discouraged?
Ask for help, don't give up, try again, check for mistakes, slow down, take a break, etc.
Name 1 way we can manage feeling worried
Ask for help, practice, distract yourself with something positive, talk to someone, etc.
Feeling sorry for someone is NOT empathy. That is called...
How can we get along with others who don't get along with us?
Try not to fight, ignore, focus on yourself, keep your hands to yourself, listen to each other, be kind, use kind words, etc.
Give an example of a compliment
Teacher will determine if compliment was correct.
When might we start to feel discouraged?
When we are frustrated, not doing well at something, when we make a mistake, when we lose something, etc.