When you do something kind for someone you fill their?
When we feel left out of a game or someone says they don't want to play with us, we can have which emotion?
Sadness, loneliness, anger
Identify a strategy you can use when you have big feelings.
Multiple right answers!
True or False- Friendship always means you will get along and like the same things.
What kind of thoughts can the Be Kind to Yourself strategy help.
Negative Thoughts
An example of Bucket filling when you make a mistake is to say?
I'm sorry.
This feeling is sometimes represented by the color red and often makes us say or do things we don't mean.
This is a strategy you can use when you are feeling angry or upset that helps bring air into your lungs.
Deep breath
You can help fix a mistake by doing this.
Apologizing, trying to fix/repair what broke, changing your behavior
I can get 100 on my math tests without studying is what type of thought?
Too Positive
You can spread kindness without talking and by doing this with your mouth.
We often feel this feeling when we are trying something new or are unsure.
Anxious, nervous
This strategy helps you be present in the moment and aware of what is going on around you and in your body.
If someone is bothering you, you can do one or more of the these things to make it stop.
Tell them to stop, ignore it, walk away.
What can you do if a negative thought is making you not feel good?
When you show kindness to others, it makes you feel...
When we get to go outside and play or do something we love we often feel this feeling.
Happy, excited
This strategy uses the red, yellow, and green lights on a stop light to help you remember to do these 3 things when upset.
Stop, Think (breathe), Act
If you have asked for someone to stop doing something and they keep doing it, you should get help from this person.
Trusted Adult
What is a strategy you can use when you look in the mirror to make you feel good about yourself?
Tell yourself your strengths
If someone is being unkind you can?
Ask them to please stop
The color green is often associated with this emotion.
Demonstrate the triangle breath strategy.
Breath in, hold, breath out
This word, that starts with an E, means putting yourself in someone else's position to understand their thoughts and feelings.
How can we use everyone's strengths to complete a project or task?
Teamwork and/or compromise