SEL integration
Tier 1 Supports
Mental Health
School Counselor vs. Social Worker

Why is modeling empathy important? 

Builds strong relationships with students, fosters a positive classroom environment, improves communication, creates a sense of belonging, increasing engagement and learning outcomes.  


What tool do we already have for Tier 1 SEL? 

Second Step: Results from several randomized control trials (RCT) support the effectiveness of the Second Step Elementary program for diverse elementary school students at decreasing problem behaviors and emotional distress, as well as improving positive social behaviors. Second Step Elementary has also demonstrated effectiveness with students at risk for behavioral challenges. 

Calm Classroom: COMING SOON

Restorative Practices


What are signs and symptoms of students having a mental health challenge? 

A mental health challenge can have varying signs and symptoms for students. If school staff begin to see changes in students’ baseline behaviors and social-emotional functioning, that may be an indication of a mental health challenge. Furthermore, if these changes are frequent, persistent, and have negative impacts on school performance, relationships, and participation in activities, it is important that school staff connect the student to available supports, such as a school counselor or the behavioral health team.


What CPS Policy mandates schools to have a CCT and BHT? 

In March 2022, CPS adopted a new Comprehensive Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Policy that focuses on crisis prevention and mental health awareness as part of a larger body of healing-centered, whole child-focused work. This policy was created to meet the needs of the CPS community in a time of unprecedented disruption and trauma and to comply with AnnMarie’s Law. The policy was created in collaboration with the Healing-Centered Project and numerous CPS departments, including OSHW, OSEL, OSD, OSCPA, and Safety and Security.

AnnMarie’s Law, enacted in 2015 following the death in 2013 of AnnMarie Blaha, was created to provide suicide awareness and prevention to Illinois school students and school staff. The law, Public Act 99-0443, required ISBE to:

  1. Develop a model suicide prevention policy, and
  2. Compile, develop, and post recommended guidelines, resources, and educational materials on youth suicide prevention and awareness.

AnnMarie's Law also required school districts to adopt a suicide prevention policy and procedures.

By 2025, all schools are required to have a CCT & BHT


Do School Counselors provide long-term counseling in schools to address psychological disorders? 

No, we provide short-term individual and small-group counseling to students. (usually about 8-10 session, then we refer out).  Student is transitioned into "check-ins" that happen less often or as needed. Teachers are provided with Tier 1 strategies to help create an equitable supportive environment, with consultation/collaboration from the School Counselor.  


What are some phrases you already use to build positive academic mindsets? 

​1)Help me understand your thinking
2) I'm curious what you think
3) This is challenging, but I know you can do it.
4) I'm glad you asked that question!
5) Why does this matter to you, beyond the grade you hope to get? 
6) What strategies could help you?
7) That's not correct yet.  Let's back up and try it again together.
8) What do you need?
9) Who did it a different way?
10) Turn to your partner first​

What does R.O.A.R stand for? 

Respect, Own you actions, Ambitious, and Ready to Learn. Universal school-wide expectations, routines and procedures (how are students expected to behave in all areas of the school, i.e. entering the building/classroom, walking in the hallway, sending students out of the classroom, etc. (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Responsible Decision-Making)


Give examples of behavioral changes that might be warning signs in students with a mental health challenge

  • Academic Decline
    Behavioral Changes
  • Attendance Issues
  • Physical Complaints
  • Emotional Displays
  • Social Difficulties
  • Attention problems
  • Changes in self-care
  • Shelf-harming behaviors

What is the teacher's role with creating a positive school culture and climate?

Utilize universal Tier 1 SEL strategies,  explicitly teach curriculum, and integration efforts throughout the day, model growth mindset & empathy, build positive relationships teacher/student and create opportunities for student/student relationship building, consult with BHT when extra supports (tier 2-3) are needed. 


What are some services that School Counselors provide? 

They include, but are not limited to:

  • Educational planning;

  • Career development and counseling;

  • Postsecondary advising;

  • Developing and facilitating anti-violence education or conflict resolution programs, or both;

  • Providing crisis intervention programs within the school setting;

  • Making appropriate referrals to community based organizations;

  • Interpreting achievement, career, and vocational test information;

  • Developing individual career plans for all students;

  • Providing individual and small group short-term counseling;

  • Addressing the developmental needs of students by designing curricula for Tier 1 classroom lessons

  • Consulting and counseling with parents for the academic, career, and personal success
    of their children;

  • Facilitating school to work transition programs; and

  • Supervising school counseling interns enrolled in school counseling programs that meet
    the standards of the State Board of Education.


What are the components of SEL integration? 

1)Academic Mindset: how students think about their own learning (a student centered approach) 
2)Aligning SEL and Academic Objectives: the content students learn
3)Using Interactive Pedagogy: how students learn

What are talking circles? 

Circles can be used to build a sense of belonging and trusting relationships, strengthen communication skills and support equity of voice, or as a way to introduce academic content, access students’ background knowledge, and collectively set goals for learning. Consider leading circles at the beginning of a semester, after a break from school, to begin or end a unit, during advisory periods or extracurricular club meetings, or to process current events.


How can teachers support mental health development in the classroom? 

Promoting mindfulness and relaxation breathing techniques: Calm Classroom

Teaching social and emotional skills: Second Step

Using Scaffolds: charts, pictures, cue cards

Giving time extensions and extra help

Creating a positive and inclusive class environment: Culturally Responsive Teaching

Using Behavioral strategies: shared agreements, rewarding positive behaviors, allowing mini-breaks

Being a trusted adult: nonjudgmental, patient, and accepting


What does CCT support teachers with? 

With SEL Teaching Practices (Tier 1-explicit teaching and integration strategies) and Creating a Supportive Classroom Climate and School Climate. Progress monitors schoolwide SEL implementation plan, uses data for continuous improvement. Aligned to CIWP.


What are some services that Social Workers provide? 

They include, but are not limited to:

  • Identifying students in need of special education services by conducting a social-developmental study in a case study evaluation;

  • Developing and implementing comprehensive interventions with students, parents, and teachers that will enhance student adjustment to, and performance in, the school setting;

  • Consulting and collaborating with teachers and other school personnel regarding behavior management, intervention plans, and inclusion in support of special education students in
    regular classroom settings;

  • Counseling with students, parents, and teachers in accordance with the rules and regulations governing provision of related services, provided that parent permission must be obtained in writing before a student participates in a group counseling session;

  • Acting as a liaison between the public schools and community resources;

  • Developing and implementing school-based prevention programs, including mediation and violence prevention, implementing social and emotional education programs and services, and establishing and implementing bullying prevention and intervention programs;

  • Providing crisis intervention within the school setting;

  • Supervising school social work interns enrolled in school social work programs that meet the standards established by the State Board of Education;

  • Providing parent education and counseling as appropriate in relation to the child’s
    educational assessment;


What is SEL integration rooted from?

Relationships (teacher/student and student/student)

Tool for your tool belt

Select 1-3 behaviors that all staff will consciously model (e.g. greeting at door, reinforcing students for wearing IDs, keeping phones hidden).

Restorative Practices: encouraging students to take responsibility for their actions, understand the impact of their behavior on others, and actively work to repair harm caused through conflict, leading to a more positive and supportive classroom environment with reduced disruptive behavior and improved peer relationships 


What are some coping skills that students can easily use in the classroom? 

Reading a book, journaling, doodling or coloring, deep breathing exercises, taking short breaks, practice positive self-talk, wear noise canceling headphones, use fidgets, talking to a trusted adult, use grounding techniques such as: 5-4-3-2-1, listening to calming music, sitting in a separate part of the room to collect their thoughts or practice skills


What does BHT support teachers with? 

Provides leadership around the implementation of schoolwide behavioral health interventions, supports, and partnerships. Tier 2-3 supports/services

Reviews referrals, gathers additional information, and assigns behavioral health interventions (Tier 2 or Tier 3)

Implements and manages all aspects of students’ intervention plans in Branching Minds

Consultation with staff to support classroom-based behavioral strategies

School counselors, social workers, psychologists, and community partners provided targeted and individualized clinical support (i.e. CICO). School staff can provide non-clinical interventions


What is the difference or similarities between a School Counselor and School Social Worker? 

school counselors’ usage of time should focus mostly around providing tier 1 supports (i.e. school counseling core curriculum, facilitation of Individual Learning Plans via SchooLinks, school-wide activities, family workshops) with some overlap in tiers 2 and 3.

School social workers’ and school psychologists’ usage of time should focus mostly around providing tier 2 and 3 supports, with some overlap in tier 1. RSPs serving a school community should regularly collaborate and communicate to avoid duplication of service and to ensure that all students in the building receive the appropriate level of service from the right provider(s).


What are some activities that you already use to integrate SEL throughout the day? 

student input about both what and how they are learning, Fist to Five, Exit tickets and surveys, a single story, Think-Pair-Share, Fishbowl, journaling reflections, Rose Thorn Bud, Identity Charts, Shadow Reading, Character Maps, etc.

Four student mindsets in particular have been shown to have a positive impact on persistence and school performance (Farrington et al., 2012):

1) I belong to this learning community

2) My ability and competence grow with my effort

3) I can succeed at this 

4) This work has value for me


Another Tool for your tool belt

Learner Autobiography Lesson Plan

This activity is an opportunity for students to explore their identity as learners and how past experiences have shaped their sense of themselves in the classroom. Reading these autobiographies will be an important learning experience for both student and teacher. 


What steps do you take when a student has expressed a safety concern? 

If the student discloses safety concerns, online or in-person, staff should remain connected with the student and engage in the following steps: 

  • School Staff should immediately follow the All Staff Action Plan 

  • Actively listen to the student. Try not to interrupt the student while they are speaking. 

  • Acknowledge the student’s experience and express concern. 

  • Student disclosures can be triggering. It’s important to remain calm and keep the focus on the student.

    If you are concerned about how you will respond, give yourself permission to find another staff member who can support the student.

  • Avoid asking probing questions. Allow the student to share at their own pace.

  • Respect student privacy. Only share this information with the appropriate authorities.

  • Never make promises to the student. 


What data sources do we use to guide the work for CCT and BHT?

BAG: Behavior, Attendance, Grades

5 Essentials, Cultivate, School-Based Surveys


SEL Walk Through Data 


Where can you find resources to help you create an equitable supportive classroom? 

Kinzie Staff Google Classroom-under the Culture and Climate Section
