What is one strategy you can use to practice time management?
Name at least one personal need
When making a goal should you include a time limit?
Yes! the T in SMART stands for Timely
Define what Self Advocacy means to you
Self-advocacy is the ability to speak up for yourself, make informed decisions about your life, seek out necessary information, understand your rights and responsibilities, and connect with supportive individuals when needed. It involves problem-solving, learning, and listening to navigate challenges and pursue your goals.
What is a helpful app for time management?
Pomodoro timer
Goblin tools
Name one positive way to meet a personal need
What are some different types of goals you could have?
Academic, Social, Creative, Physical, Financial, Relationship
If you need an accommodation at work, how can you advocate for yourself?
Inform your manager of the accommodation you will need using clear assertive communication. You may have to disclose the reason why you need the accommodation.
How long should you focus for before taking a break using The Pomodoro Technique?
25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break
Name one negative way to meet a personal need
What do the letters stand for in SMART goal?
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant/Realistic
T - Timely
Give an example of a self-advocacy phrase