Steps to Self-Advocacy
Self-Advocating at Home
Self-Advocating at School
Put it all together!
Other Fun!

What is the first step of self-advocacy?

State the problem - you can say "I struggle..."  "It is difficult..." "I don't know..." "It's hard for me..."


Your mom or dad cooks a dinner with pasta and Brussel  sprouts on the side. You hate Brussel sprouts because sometime you feel sick from them but you know your mom or dad wants you to eat your vegetable.

When talking to your mom or dad, how might you state the problem?

Mom or dad I feel a little sick when I eat brussel sprouts, can I be excused from eating them.


You need help with completing a worksheet that you do not understand.

When talking with your teacher, how might you self-advocate?

I'm having difficulty figuring out this worksheet problem.  I am having trouble understanding the question. Could you please reword it for me so I can better understand?


Jackie knows that she has a problem if she does not sit toward the front of the room. Her teacher has given her a seat in the back of the room and it is difficult for her to see. How might she advocate for herself in a mature, socially acceptable way?

Jackie might say to her teacher, "It is difficult for me to see the board when I sit at the back of the class.  I wear my glasses during class, but it still doesn't make everything perfectly clear.  Could I please sit closer to the front of the room?"


You place an order at Culvers, but when your food comes to the table, you notice they forgot the milkshake that you ordered.

What should you do next?

You should find your receipt and check to see if they charged you for the milkshake. Then you should bring it up to the counter and let the cashier know that you ordered a milkshake but have not gotten one yet. You should show him your receipt and ask if you could please get the milkshake you ordered.


True or false: You don't have to state what you have tried to do on your own to solve the problem - the person you're talking to doesn't need to know that!

FALSE - you should always state what you have tried to do on your own to solve the problem so that the person you are talking to knows what you have already tried to do.


You have been inside the house all week. Your friend ask you to come hang with them after school, but your parent  is unaware that you want to hang out with your friend today.

How might you advocate for yourself in this situation?

You will directly ask your parent if you can go hang out with your friend after school.  


You are having trouble with another student in your class. They have been very loud, and have been hurting your feelings by calling you names.

When you talk to your teacher, how might you state the problem?

This morning Jared was being very loud on the bus/cab to school. When we walked into the building, he called me stupid because I didn't hear him ask me something so I asked him to repeat it.


Phil wakes up and is feeling sick. He does not think he should go to school because he does not want to get others around him sick and so he plans on staying home.

What should he do?

Phil should call, text or email his teacher to let them know he is sick and won't be at school that day. That way his teacher can let Phil's job coach and cab know that he won't be in today.


You have placed your order at Portillos and your total was $12.50. You hand the cashier $15, and should be getting $2.50 back as change. The cashier closes the register drawer without providing you with any money/change back.

What can you do/say?

You can hand the cashier your receipt and politely ask for your change.


True or false:  Before talking to someone about a problem you are having, you should take time to think about what you are going to say to them.

True - it is important to have an idea of what you are going to say, so that you make sure the appropriate person knows exactly what is going on.


You were sitting down playing your favorite game and your older brother comes and turns to tv to a basketball game. You tell him to turn back but he refuses.

How might you advocate for yourself in this situation?

Politely ask your older brother to turn back the channel and when you are done he can then watch tv ? Or let parents know what happened and allow them to help.


You would like to move seats, because the person next to you is constantly off-task and is distracting you.

When talking with your teacher, how might you explain how you have tried to solve this problem on your own?

I have tried ignoring this person's behavior.  I have even asked him to be quiet because I need to focus, but it seems like he doesn't care what I have to say.


Jared was late to soccer practice because he had to pick his little brother up from school and walk him home. The coach is angry that Jared is late. Jared doesn't want to miss out on playing time. How can he advocate for himself in a mature, socially acceptable way?

Jared might say to the coach, "I'm sorry I was late for practice, I had to pick up my brother from school and walk him home.  Next time, I will let you know if I am running late - is that okay with you?"


You have placed an order for the ADA to pick you up at Dollar Tree and take you back to The Powers Center, you were told the PACE transport would be there between 10 and 10:15AM. It is now 10:30 and you are still waiting.

What can you do?

You can talk to school staff and let them know what is going on. You can then reach out to the ADA transportation, and let them know that the transportation that you requested yesterday has not arrived yet, and ask when they might be coming to pick you up.


True or false: If you are having trouble with something, you should immediately ask for help without trying to solve it yourself.

False - unless it's a safety issue, you should try to solve the problem on your own.


while playing a game of soccer with friends in your backyard, you twist you ankle. At first you thought it was fine until it begins to hurt really bad throughout the night and you think you may need to go to the doctors.

How might your address the issue in this scenario.

Immediately tell your parents that your ankle hurts and ask if the can take you to the hospital. 


You were working with another teacher/staff while your class was completing their schedules for the week. 

When talking with your teacher, how might you self-advocate?

"I missed the chance to do our schedule for the week because I was doing speech with Sherri. Could you please help me find some time to complete my schedule?


You have a doctors appointment during the school day, and will be coming in later than normal, but plan on still taking your bus/cab home.

What would you do in this situation?

Maria should let her teacher know ahead of time that she will be late on Thursday. She should also share that she would like her cab canceled in the morning, as her mom will be driving her to school after her appointment, but will still need to take the cab home after school.


During work, you are ask to complete a new task. You are not sure what needs to be done and are very confused.

What can you do?

You can ask your coworker if they know how to do the task. 


You can ask your job coach to help explain what you should be doing.
