Self-advocacy means standing up for ____________.
How can I advocate if I need help with something in school?
Mr./Ms. X, could you please come help me?
How can I self-advocate when I want something specific for dinner?
Mom/dad/grandma/etc., could we please have X for dinner?
How can you self-advocate at the grocery store if you can't find the cereal?
Excuse me. Could you please tell me what aisle the cereal is in?
Is threatening someone a form of self-advocacy?
Sometimes when I advocate for myself, I tell people what I _______.
need or want
How can you self-advocate if you are feeling overwhelmed in school?
Mr./Ms. X, I am overwhelmed. Can I please have a break?
How can you self-advocate when you need money for something?
Mom/dad/grandma/etc., could I please have or borrow money for my community outing?
How can you self-advocate if you lose your companion at the store?
Excuse me. I can't find my X. Could you please help me find them?
Is asking the teacher for extra time to finish a test a form of self-advocacy?
Name 3 places we may need to self-advocate.
How can I self-advocate if I'm feeling sick at school?
Mr./Ms. X, I am feeling sick. Could I please go to the nurse?
X, can we please do/watch something else in a little bit?
If you get lost in the mall, how could you self-advocate?
Excuse me. I can't find the X store. Could you please tell me where it is?
If someone teases you and you tease them back, is that self-advocacy?
Name 3 feelings you may need to advocate for.
Frustration, sadness, boredom, anger, hunger, thirst, sick, etc.
How can I self-advocate if I want to work for something specific?
Mr./Ms. X, can I please work for my X?
X, I lost my X. Could you please help me find it?
If you lose your wallet in the store, how could you self-advocate?
Excuse me. I lost my wallet in the store. Did anyone turn in a wallet or could you please help me find it?
Is telling a bully to stop bothering you a form of self-advocacy?
Advocating for myself is a good way to find a solution to a _________.
How can you self-advocate when you don't understand something.
Mr./Ms. X, I don't understand. Could you please help me?
Somebody is irritating you at home. How can you self-advocate?
X, I am feeling frustrated right now. Could you please leave me alone for a little bit?
Excuse me. I noticed there is broken glass in the X section. Could you please get someone to clean it up?
True or False: When I advocate for myself I am telling you what I want or need in a respectful way.