The ability to understand & communicate one’s needs to other individuals.
What is Advocacy?
What is an IEP meeting?
Being familiar with my desires, interests, strengths and weaknesses
What is Self-Awarness?
Provide an example of an acronym
Many responses.....
Accomodations are changes to HOW a student completes their work. Modifications are changes to _____ a student is expected to do.
Bonus 100 if you can give an example
What is what?
This is the meeting that determines if you are able to qualify for special education services.
What is an eligibility meeting
Every person has the right to make _________ affecting their own life
What are choices?
The IEP stand for?
What is the Individual Education Act?
OCS program is different than the general curriculum. Students in this course of study are required to complete what?
What are hours?
school, community, & competitive/paid
Advocating for yourself is also known as this
What is Self-Advocacy?
These kinds of teachers work to help student's with disabilites
What is a Special Education Teacher?
Another word for Talking to others (best way to advocate)
What is communication?
What does OCS Stand for?
What is occupational course of study?
What law protects the rights of accomodations?
What is the ADA?
Accomodations are guaranteed by law in school through high school. Where do you have to advocate for your own needs?
What is post Secondary school or work?
This group may include a psychologist,physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, special educator,vision or hearing specialist, others, depending on the child's specific needs
What is an IEP Team?
Every person can create their own ______ and chose how to reach those ________
What are goals?
What does ADA stand for?
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Which president signed the ADA into law in 1990?
Who is George HW Bush?
A combination of skills, knowledge, and personal belief that causes you to not give up.
What is Self Determination?
These should be reviewed annually to ensure that the student is still on track
What are IEP goals?
Knowing your personal ________ and __________ can help you a lot in making good decisions
What are strengths and weaknesses?
What does IDEA stand for?
What is the Individuals with Disabilites Education Act?
What year did schools start IEPs?
What is 1975?