True or False
What Would You Do?
In Your Own Words
Okay or Not Okay?

Self-advocacy is when you stick up for yourself and make your own decisions...



Your teacher handed out a math assignment to everyone in your class. You look over the assignment and feel overwhelmed because you do not know how to solve the first problem. How can you advocate for yourself?

Raise your hand, Walk up to the teacher and ask a question, Turn to a friend and ask how to start the first problem


What does self-advocacy mean to you?

Good job! :)


While the teacher was going over a grammar lesson, you were talking to a friend. When the teacher calls on you to answer a question, you freeze and do not know the answer. You tell your teacher you do not know because your friend was talking to you...

Not okay! You need to take responsibility for your actions. If your friend is bothering you while you are trying to listen, advocate for yourself and ask your friend to please stop talking. 


Self-advocacy is when you agree with what everyone else wants to do even though you want to do something else...

False! Self-advocacy is when you communicate your interests and wants even though they are different from others.


A classmate next to you keeps on putting their belongings in your work area and on your desk. This classmate is not respecting your personal space. What can you do to advocate for yourself?

Let the classmate know how you are feeling, tell the classmate to keep his body/ belongings in his work area, ask the teacher for help, use a coping skill (take a break, drink some water, deep breaths)


How have you advocated for yourself this week?

Excellent! :)


The teacher tells the class to write about their favorite memory. You are stuck and do not know what you should write about. You raise your hand to ask the teacher for help with what to write.

Okay! You are advocating for yourself by raising your hand and asking for help. The important thing is that you tried your best first before asking for help.


Self-advocacy is when you ask for help when you are confused or do not understand something...



You won $1,000,000!!! What would you do with the money? How can you advocate for yourself if people bother you for money?

You can advocate for yourself by telling people how you feel when they ask for money, saying "no," and making your own decisions


How does advocating for yourself make you feel?

Good answer! :)


The teacher reviewed a history lesson with the class and everyone, including yourself, took notes on the lesson. The teacher passed out a history assignment for the class to work. After 5 minutes, the teacher walks by your desk and you have not done anything. When the teacher asks about it, you say, "My friend would not help me with the assignment..."

Not okay! You need to take responsibility for your school work and not blame others. You could advocate for yourself by reviewing your notes or raising your hand. 


Self-advocacy is when you use your voice to express your needs and thoughts to others in a respectful manner (ex: Please stop talking to me. I am trying to listen to the teacher)...



You and a friend were talking about school lunch. Your friend says they love the square pizza, but you think it is disgusting. What can you do to advocate for yourself?

State your opinion (I don't like the pizza), explain why you don't like the pizza/ support your idea, agree to disagree

When is it hard to advocate for yourself?

Fantastic! :)


You did not finish your school work (math) at school so you have homework to do. You know how to do the math homework, but you ask your parents for help anyway and have them do a lot of the work/ problem solving for you.

Not okay! You need to try your best and solve problems on your own first before asking help from others. It is okay if you make mistakes. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. 


Self-advocacy is when someone asks you what you would like for dinner and you say, "I don't care..."

False! Self-advocacy is when you tell others what you like and support your ideas (Ex: I love lasagna because it is tasty and has a lot of cheese on it). 

A classmate walks up to you and says they do not like your outfit. What can you do to advocate for yourself?

Stick up for yourself, tell the person how that comment made you feel, ask an adult to help 


What are two areas in your life that you might have to use your self-advocacy skills?



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You are given a math assignment in class. You do not know how to do the math problems. You stare out the window and do not try to solve the problems yourself. 

Not okay! It is important to get your work done and ask for help when you are confused or do not understand something. 
